lgow / endofherobrine

Source code from The End of Herobrine Mod
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[1.19.2] ( {Incompatibility w/ HMaG} Crashing during possession events? EoH seems to be attempting to possess modded creatures? #20

Open togera13 opened 7 months ago

togera13 commented 7 months ago

Describe the bug A crash when herobrine attempts to possess something (it seems to be attempting to grab modded enemies?)

To Reproduce If you know, describe here how to reproduce the bug.

  1. Grab the Guard Villagers & HMaG mods
  2. Wait for Herobrine to possess something that isn't an animal (most frequent with a skeleton or lich).
  3. Crash. ... X. See bug.

Expected behavior Not possess modded creatures or crash.

Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots here to help explain your problem. If a video is more suitable, send it on the discord channel #🚨・bug-reports

Additional context Add here any other context about the bug. This is the latest crash that happened, I don't remember exactly what happened this time, but in the past I have had it crash quite a few times each time it tried possessing a skeleton for example so I blacklisted skeletons, now it crashed with something else & I suspect it is along the same line of thought. crash-2023-11-07_06.41.54-server.txt

crash-2023-11-07_20.03.24-server.txt crash-2023-11-07_19.55.19-server.txt latest.log

WARNING: If the report doesn't give enough info about the bug, it will be labeled as invalid and closed immediately.