lgow / endofherobrine

Source code from The End of Herobrine Mod
1 stars 0 forks source link Signs not displaying correctly #29

Open OceanSnipe17 opened 2 months ago

OceanSnipe17 commented 2 months ago

Describe the bug When Herobrine places a sign, it does not display correctly.

To Reproduce

  1. Wait for Herobrine to place a sign.
  2. Read it.

Expected behavior Sign to have proper message.

Screenshots image

Additional context Being used the v12 of the Fear Nightfall modpack with an additional mod of the Faster Ladder Climbing mod version 0.2.7 with base configuration.

I have also reported this to Fear Nightfall's Github.

mpustovoi commented 1 month ago

This is a From The Fog issue and it has nothing to do with The End of Herobrine mod. Make sure that you have a From The Fog resourcepack installed.