Open User-712 opened 4 years ago
@User-712 Autoware 1.12 is not supported. Please use 1.14. Right @hadiTab ?
1.12 is partially supported, but we encourage using 1.14 instead. You should be able to load the maps in 1.12 though. @cyberphysicalrobotics do you know what this is about? Thanks.
@hadiTab I used 1.14 and followed the steps in I load map and detect, below errors occurred. Need I set the default.rviz?
[ERROR] [1601360598.734482481]: [createSignalMarkerArray] failed createPoleMarker: 4,4,6.75,0.4 RLException: while processing
/home/autoware/Autoware/install/vision_ssd_detect/share/vision_ssd_detect/launch/vision_ssd_detect.launch: Invalid roslaunch XML syntax: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: u'/home/autoware/Autoware/install/vision_ssd_detect/share/vision_ssd_detect/launch/vision_ssd_detect.launch' The traceback for the exception was written to the log file
@jiameixie both of those errors can be safely ignored.
Have you gone through the rest of the steps and had any issues?
@hadiTab The screenshot of my rivz. It doesn't have a car on it, which is different from the demo.
@jiameixie can you show the list of topics being published? You can get that with rostopic list
. Also, in rviz, there is a warning on TF and an error on Vehicle model. What do those say?
@hadiTab It's unstable to run lgsvl with autoware. It was a different situation every time I run it. So I can't get the list of topics now which lead the above errors.
I got help from someone. He told me that some parameters in launch files are wrong and need manual setting. The autoware version he used is 1.13.0. My autoware version is 1.14.0. Following the steps he provided , the vehicle in lgsvl can move along with the vehicle in autoware. But sometime it went wrong. The vehicle just moved forward straight without stop or twist. Sometimes it can run normally. It made me confused.
what we did is to specify its pose location by command lines.
rosparam set /use_sim_time false
.rostopic pub /initialpose geometry_msgs/PoseWithCovarianceStamped --once -- '{ header: {stamp: now, frame_id: "world"}, pose:{pose:{position: {x: -7.44751739502, y: 51.3522491455, z: 0.0},orientation: {x: 0.0, y: 0.0, z: -0.789084084512, w: 0.60506553654}}}}'
Do you think the above steps necessary to run lgsvl with @hadiTab
@jiameixie the above steps are similar to what is in the default launch files. Except for adding the clock sensor, which helps avoid delays when the performance is not good. Manually publishing the pose, should be the same as just marking the initial pose in rviz as well. The only reason I can think of that this is working for you but the launch files aren't would be that one of those nodes is crashing when the launch files is used, but doesn't crash when enabled manually. I've seen that happen before with some nodes in Autoware.
I am running latest LGSVL simulator and autoware 1.12.0, facing issue in loading map. I have followed the instructions given here
Creating a Simulation choosing BorregasAve map and Jaguar2015XE (Autoware). Running the created Simulation.
I also tried with 93d92d6becc8dbced0a588aadcf0cee18e2c2429 commit, for this I was able to get map but not able to get pointcloud, vehicle and other data on the map.
System specification: OS:Linux 16.04 (memory: 31.3 GiB, processor: core i7, Graphics: GeForce GTX) Simulator: LGSVL 2020.01 (released version)