lgsvl / simulator

A ROS/ROS2 Multi-robot Simulator for Autonomous Vehicles
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How can I run simulator behind a proxy? #1338

Open DrShIkIgAmy opened 3 years ago

DrShIkIgAmy commented 3 years ago

I wanna run simulator on Ubuntu, so Proxifier is not a solution. LGSVL doesn't take system settings (proxy at least), that's why it stucks when I run simulator. What should I do?

lemketron commented 3 years ago

What version of simulator are you running? 2020.06 or 2021.1?
Have you tried proxifier or privoxy as mentioned in #360?

DrShIkIgAmy commented 3 years ago

What version of simulator are you running? 2020.06 or 2021.1? Have you tried proxifier or privoxy as mentioned in #360?

I'he tried both of them. I've seted up privoxy to forward all requests, but it worked on browser only. Simulator still knock on server bypassing privoxy. P.S. M.b. I'm a bit stupid and I did it wrong