I'm implementing an ADV algorithm that focuses on the interaction of the ego with another vehicle/pedestrian. In order to fully test my algorithm, I need to have full control (in real time) of at least 1 vehicle/pedestrian.
For example, I want to test my ADV behavior at a crosswalk scenario, with a walking pedestrian walking to cross-street. If I control the pedestrian to stop, the ego should continue to drive, if I control the pedestrian walk faster, the ego should stop and wait until the pedestrian crossing... I assumed I can archive the same scenario with the current API, I tried it, but I could not get what I need from API, the agent's trigger is not robust for my purpose; we dont have robust trigger for each way-point, eg: first waypoint trigger when vehicle in a distance (so ped start to walk to crosswalk), second way-point (at a crosswalk) trigger if vehicle is stop before crosswalk, or drive pass the crosswalk.
I am really happy if you already have a plan for this feature, if not, please point me in the right direction so I can work on it myself. I'm assuming we need a ros/cyber agent similar to the ego agent which is controlled via ros/cyber message
I'm implementing an ADV algorithm that focuses on the interaction of the ego with another vehicle/pedestrian. In order to fully test my algorithm, I need to have full control (in real time) of at least 1 vehicle/pedestrian.
For example, I want to test my ADV behavior at a crosswalk scenario, with a walking pedestrian walking to cross-street. If I control the pedestrian to stop, the ego should continue to drive, if I control the pedestrian walk faster, the ego should stop and wait until the pedestrian crossing... I assumed I can archive the same scenario with the current API, I tried it, but I could not get what I need from API, the agent's trigger is not robust for my purpose; we dont have robust trigger for each way-point, eg: first waypoint trigger when vehicle in a distance (so ped start to walk to crosswalk), second way-point (at a crosswalk) trigger if vehicle is stop before crosswalk, or drive pass the crosswalk.
I am really happy if you already have a plan for this feature, if not, please point me in the right direction so I can work on it myself. I'm assuming we need a ros/cyber agent similar to the ego agent which is controlled via ros/cyber message