lgsvl / simulator

A ROS/ROS2 Multi-robot Simulator for Autonomous Vehicles
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How can you create an accurate map? #386

Closed ninjacoder0 closed 4 years ago

ninjacoder0 commented 4 years ago

2 Questions:

  1. I would like to create an accurate map using software like Here Map or any other accurate mapping software you suggest which would give me precise mapping. I would like to place it into Unity where I can then put on the lanes and run it in Apollo.

  2. Also could you explain the data transfer from the simulator to Apollo, what information/data is being transferred across, Just want to increase my learning in the world of simulation. thanks.

What would you suggest. Thanks all.

david-gwa commented 4 years ago

for q1, lg-sim is starting to support(confirm me) importing OpenDrive(lane2) similar map format, so if your Here map can transfer into these format, should be achieveable.

ninjacoder0 commented 4 years ago

Great, is there any documentation or guidance of how this is done?

martins-mozeiko commented 4 years ago

If all you need is to get HD map information in our Simulator, you can use Simulator -> Import HD Map menu item. Currently it supports importing Lanelet2 format. We are working un adding Apolo and OpenDRIVE imports.

Note that this will add only lane, traffic light, intersection annotations. Creating 3D geometry is additional work you'll need to do. In simplest case you can add flat plane inside Unity Editor where car can drive. If you need more sophisticated geometry - curbs, grass, buildings, then all that needs to be created with 3rd party tools.

As for communication with Apollo - we send exactly same messages as real Apollo vehicle does. This includes lidar, multiple cameras, gps, imu, canbus messages. You can find definition of these messages in protobuf files inside Apollo repostiory. Or just look them up in Simulator C# code. You can also use in-simulation GUI to see what topics are being published: https://www.lgsvlsimulator.com/docs/bridge-connection-ui/