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A ROS/ROS2 Multi-robot Simulator for Autonomous Vehicles
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Autoware_Auto using ROS2 and accessing /vehicle_cmd #734

Closed deepakramani closed 4 years ago

deepakramani commented 4 years ago

I'd like to subscribe to /vehicle_cmd using a python script node to fetch the movement controls. However, I can't seem to access RawControlCommand from autoware_auto_msgs. I'm getting "No module found" error.

Can you please help me access this ros2 topic? I basically need this to fetch throttle and brake data.


EricBoiseLGSVL commented 4 years ago

@luqiang21 Do you know what the issue is?

luqiang21 commented 4 years ago

@EricBoiseLGSVL I am not sure about this. Tae @cyberphysicalrobotics probably knows more on this.

cyberphysicalrobotics commented 4 years ago

@dr563105 Could you see the topic name (/vehicle_control_command) on command of ros2 topic list? What's the result of ros2 topic list?

Did you use the following sensor configuration json file? https://www.lgsvlsimulator.com/docs/autoware-auto-json-example/

autoware auto msg is defined in the following: https://gitlab.com/autowarefoundation/autoware.auto/autoware_auto_msgs/-/tree/master/autoware_auto_msgs/msg

cyberphysicalrobotics commented 4 years ago

I mistakenly pressed close the issue. I reopened it.

deepakramani commented 4 years ago

Thank you for your reply @cyberphysicalrobotics.

I didn't look into the sensor config page -- https://www.lgsvlsimulator.com/docs/autoware-auto-json-example/ . I just had /vehicle_cmd as topic in the script. In the Simulator I saw the same as topic and type as autoware_msgs/VehicleCmd. So just continued with that.

 "type": "Vehicle Control", 
 "name": "Autoware Car Control",
 "params": {"Topic": "/vehicle_control_command"} 

After adding that json into the vehicles tab in the WebUI, I see /vehicle_control_command with type autoware_auto_msgs/RawControlCommand

Is this correct?

On a related note, if I custom add a sensor with a custom topic but with predefined topic type. Can I subscribe or publish that topic in the python script?


EricBoiseLGSVL commented 4 years ago

@cyberphysicalrobotics Thanks for helping. @dr563105 reply is correct, right?

deepakramani commented 4 years ago

An update: able to access RawControlCommand in python.

I built everything from scratch. built and local ros sourced(~/ros2_ws/install/local_setup.bash) inside the ros2_ws. I was able to access RawControlCommand. Now in terminal1 where I run (sourced melodic) "roslaunch rosbridge_server rosbridge_websocket.launch ", terminal 2(sourced Dashing) running the node and 2020.03 Simulator running, I'm getting this error

2020-04-29 19:33:24+0200 [-] [ERROR] [1588181604.541905]: [Client 0] subscribe: Unable to load the manifest for package autoware_msgs. Caused by: autoware_msgs

Have you experienced this error before? Can you please help? @EricBoiseLGSVL @cyberphysicalrobotics

When I do ros2 msg list| grep "autoware_" I'm getting autoware_auto_msgs/msg/BoundingBox autoware_auto_msgs/msg/BoundingBoxArray autoware_auto_msgs/msg/Complex32 autoware_auto_msgs/msg/ControlDiagnostic autoware_auto_msgs/msg/DiagnosticHeader autoware_auto_msgs/msg/HighLevelControlCommand autoware_auto_msgs/msg/PointClusters autoware_auto_msgs/msg/Quaternion32 autoware_auto_msgs/msg/RawControlCommand autoware_auto_msgs/msg/Trajectory autoware_auto_msgs/msg/TrajectoryPoint autoware_auto_msgs/msg/VehicleControlCommand autoware_auto_msgs/msg/VehicleKinematicState autoware_auto_msgs/msg/VehicleOdometry autoware_auto_msgs/msg/VehicleStateCommand autoware_auto_msgs/msg/VehicleStateReport the files in my msg folder.

EricBoiseLGSVL commented 4 years ago

@cyberphysicalrobotics any idea on this issue?

deepakramani commented 4 years ago

I saw this https://github.com/lgsvl/simulator/issues/653#issuecomment-593384836 . Since it is quite similar I went ahead changed the files they made in the page. I'm yet to test the changes. Only difference is I'm running the script outside of the autoware container only just import that particular message. Also I tried using ros2-web-bridge between the Sim and the code, there was no transfer of data. Camera sensors went on increasing their count.

Quick question - if I make changes to the .cs files, should I build them in Unity or upon clicking the simulator executable, it will automatically do run time compilation?

EricBoiseLGSVL commented 4 years ago

@dr563105 Thanks and yes you need to build a new executable with the .cs changes.

hadiTab commented 4 years ago

Now in terminal1 where I run (sourced melodic) "roslaunch rosbridge_server rosbridge_websocket.launch ", terminal 2(sourced Dashing) running the node and 2020.03 Simulator running, I'm getting this error

2020-04-29 19:33:24+0200 [-] [ERROR] [1588181604.541905]: [Client 0] subscribe: Unable to load the manifest for package autoware_msgs. Caused by: autoware_msgs

@dr563105 it seems like you have written a ros2 node but are trying to send and receive data with the ros1 bridge. You need to use the ros2-web-bridge here.

Also the autoware_auto_msgs are custom message types for autoware_auto and the bridge is unaware of their definitions by default. You need to build the autoware_auto messages and source the setup.bash file in the same terminal you run the ros2-web-bridge for the bridge to be able to understand those messages.

deepakramani commented 4 years ago

@hadiTab Thanks Hadi. You're right. I was messing around ros1 and ros2 bridges and couldn't access the msgs. Now I understand how to access it properly.