I am trying to construct a graph using two very simple (artificial) sequences for testing purposes.
I tried several different cases (two sequences cases each):
1) - A-B-C
(middle block is substituted by another block, files seq{1,2}_2_substitution_mid.fa)
2) - A-B-C
(middle block is deleted, files seq{1,2}_2_mid_block_indel.fa)
where A, B, C and D are randomly generated 3000 bp sequences.
I tried to run it with all parameters at default as well as tried to vary some of the parameters. I attached the resulting GFA files for case 1 (substitute of the middle block). The same result is for case 2.
The following commands were used for default and one case of specific parameter values:
Is it something that I do not understand or do something wrong? Or is it a glitch of minigraph?
By the way, is there a way to also get Paths in resulting GFA? Or it can only be done through separate alignment later (through converting GAF file separately?
I am trying to construct a graph using two very simple (artificial) sequences for testing purposes.
I tried several different cases (two sequences cases each): 1) - A-B-C
I tried to run it with all parameters at default as well as tried to vary some of the parameters. I attached the resulting GFA files for case 1 (substitute of the middle block). The same result is for case 2.
The following commands were used for default and one case of specific parameter values:
minigraph -x ggs -t 16 ./seqFile_2_substitution_mid.files/seq1_2_substitution_mid.fa ./seqFile_2_substitution_mid.files/seq2_2_substitution_mid.fa > ./out/test2.gfa
minigraph -x ggs -L 10 -l 100 -d 100 -q 1 -k 15 -q 10 -K 10k -t 16 ./seqFile_2_substitution_mid.files/seq1_2_substitution_mid.fa ./seqFile_2_substitution_mid.files/seq2_2_substitution_mid.fa > ./out/test.gfa
The file minigraphGithubIssue.zip contains all mentioned files.
Is it something that I do not understand or do something wrong? Or is it a glitch of minigraph?
By the way, is there a way to also get Paths in resulting GFA? Or it can only be done through separate alignment later (through converting GAF file separately?
Thank you very much in advance.