lhayhurst / ladyluck

A Vassal log parser and statistics calculator.
3 stars 3 forks source link

Parsing issue #17

Open ajmath opened 8 years ago

ajmath commented 8 years ago

The only thing parsed was one player's hits


screen shot 2016-09-26 at 10 16 21 pm

Winner field was left blank

text input:

<zero (IR->F)> - set
<ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F)> - 
<ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F)> - set
* ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F) reveals the dial for Thug 2: Forward 3 *
* ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F) reveals the dial for Thug 1: Forward 3 *
* ---ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F): Y-Wing (Thug 1) performs move: 3 - Forward
* ---ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F): Y-Wing (Thug 2) performs move: 3 - Forward
<ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F)> - set
* zero (IR->F) reveals the dial for Wampa: Bank Left 2 *
* ---zero (IR->F):  (Wampa) performs move: 2 - Left Bank
* zero (IR->F) reveals the dial for BSP1: Bank Left 2 *
* ---zero (IR->F):  (BSP1) performs move: 2 - Left Bank
* zero (IR->F) reveals the dial for BSP2: Bank Left 2 *
* ---zero (IR->F):  (BSP2) performs move: 2 - Left Bank
<zero (IR->F)> - set
* ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F) reveals the dial for Asajj: Forward 2 *
* --- ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F): Pursuit Craft (Asajj) performs move: 2 - Forward
<ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F)> - set
* zero (IR->F) reveals the dial for Howl: Bank Left 2 *
* ---zero (IR->F):  (Howl) performs move: 2 - Left Bank
* zero (IR->F) reveals the dial for Whisper: Hard Left 1 *
* ---zero (IR->F):  (Whisper) performs move: 1 - Left Turn
<zero (IR->F)> - cloak
<zero (IR->F)> - set
<ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F)> - and dials
<ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F)> - set
<zero (IR->F)> - set
<ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F)> - dc?
<zero (IR->F)> - yeah dc left
* --- zero (IR->F):  (Whisper) performs: Decloak Left as Backward as Possible
<zero (IR->F)> - est
* ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F) reveals the dial for Thug 2: Forward 3 *
* ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F) reveals the dial for Thug 1: Forward 3 *
* ---ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F): Y-Wing (Thug 1) performs move: 3 - Forward
* ---ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F): Y-Wing (Thug 2) performs move: 3 - Forward
<ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F)> - set
* zero (IR->F) reveals the dial for Wampa: Bank Left 2 *
* ---zero (IR->F):  (Wampa) performs move: 2 - Left Bank
* zero (IR->F) reveals the dial for BSP1: Bank Left 2 *
* ---zero (IR->F):  (BSP1) performs move: 2 - Left Bank
* zero (IR->F) reveals the dial for BSP2: Bank Left 2 *
* ---zero (IR->F):  (BSP2) performs move: 2 - Left Bank
<zero (IR->F)> - set
* ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F) reveals the dial for Asajj: Bank Left 3 *
* --- ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F): Pursuit Craft (Asajj) performs move: 3 - Left Bank
<ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F)> - set
* zero (IR->F) reveals the dial for Howl: Bank Left 2 *
* ---zero (IR->F):  (Howl) performs move: 2 - Left Bank
* zero (IR->F) reveals the dial for Whisper: Hard Left 1 *
* ---zero (IR->F):  (Whisper) performs move: 1 - Left Turn
<zero (IR->F)> - set
<ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F)> - dials
<ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F)> - set
<zero (IR->F)> - .set
<ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F)> - dc?
<zero (IR->F)> - dc forward
* ---zero (IR->F):  (Whisper) performs move: 2 - Forward
<zero (IR->F)> - set
* ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F) reveals the dial for Thug 1: Bank Right 1 *
* ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F) reveals the dial for Thug 2: Bank Right 1 *
* ---ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F): Y-Wing (Thug 1) performs move: 1 - Right Bank
* ---ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F): Y-Wing (Thug 2) performs move: 1 - Right Bank
<ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F)> - set
* zero (IR->F) reveals the dial for Wampa: Bank Right 2 *
* ---zero (IR->F):  (Wampa) performs move: 2 - Right Bank
* zero (IR->F) reveals the dial for BSP1: Bank Right 2 *
* ---zero (IR->F):  (BSP1) performs move: 2 - Right Bank
* zero (IR->F) reveals the dial for BSP2: Bank Right 2 *
* ---zero (IR->F):  (BSP2) performs move: 2 - Right Bank
<zero (IR->F)> - set
* ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F) reveals the dial for Asajj: Forward 3 *
* --- ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F): Pursuit Craft (Asajj) performs move: 3 - Forward
<ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F)> - whoops
<ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F)> - k4 tl ...
<ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F)> - wampa
<ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F)> - L
<ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F)> - set
* zero (IR->F) reveals the dial for Howl: Bank Right 2 *
* ---zero (IR->F):  (Howl) performs move: 2 - Right Bank
* zero (IR->F) reveals the dial for Whisper: Hard Right 2 *
* ---zero (IR->F):  (Whisper) performs move: 2 - Right Turn
<zero (IR->F)> - set
<zero (IR->F)> - 4 v 1 at thug 2
* *** zero (IR->F) Rolls to Attack: [Blank], [Focus], [Hit], [Focus], [], [], [] ***
<zero (IR->F)> - howl re roll
* *** zero (IR->F) Re-Rolls Attack Die 1 [Blank] and gets a [Blank] ***
* *** zero (IR->F) used Focus on Attack Dice ***
<zero (IR->F)> - set
* *** ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F) Rolls to Defend: [Blank], [], [], [], [], [], [] ***
<ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F)> - 3s
<zero (IR->F)> - cloak and focus
<zero (IR->F)> - 2 v 1 at thug 2
* *** zero (IR->F) Rolls to Attack: [Focus], [Hit], [], [], [], [], [] ***
* *** zero (IR->F) used Focus on Attack Dice ***
<zero (IR->F)> - set
* *** ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F) Rolls to Defend: [Focus], [], [], [], [], [], [] ***
* *** ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F) used Focus on Defense Dice ***
<ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F)> - 1h
<ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F)> - wampa
<ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F)> - 3v4
* *** ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F) Rolls to Attack: [Focus], [Blank], [Hit], [], [], [], [] ***
<ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F)> - tl
* *** ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F) Re-Rolls Attack Die 1 [Focus] and gets a [Hit] ***
* *** ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F) Re-Rolls Attack Die 2 [Blank] and gets a [Focus] ***
<ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F)> - set
* *** zero (IR->F) Rolls to Defend: [Focus], [Blank], [Focus], [], [], [], [] ***
* *** zero (IR->F) used Focus on Defense Dice ***
<zero (IR->F)> - wampa at thug 2
<zero (IR->F)> - 2 v 1
* *** zero (IR->F) Rolls to Attack: [Blank], [Blank], [], [], [], [], [] ***
<zero (IR->F)> - howl rr
* *** zero (IR->F) Re-Rolls Attack Die 1 [Blank] and gets a [Focus] ***
<zero (IR->F)> - BPS2 at thug2 2 v 2
* *** zero (IR->F) Rolls to Attack: [Hit], [Hit], [], [], [], [], [] ***
<zero (IR->F)> - set
* *** ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F) Rolls to Defend: [Evade], [Evade], [], [], [], [], [] ***
<ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F)> - whoa
<ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F)> - crack?
<zero (IR->F)> - no crack
<zero (IR->F)> - bsp1 at thug2 2 v 1
* *** zero (IR->F) Rolls to Attack: [Blank], [Hit], [], [], [], [], [] ***
* *** zero (IR->F) Re-Rolls Attack Die 1 [Blank] and gets a [Hit] ***
<zero (IR->F)> - set
* *** ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F) Rolls to Defend: [Focus], [Evade], [], [], [], [], [] ***
<ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F)> - 1h
<ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F)> - TLT on howl
<ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F)> - 3v3
* *** ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F) Rolls to Attack: [Hit], [Blank], [Blank], [], [], [], [] ***
<ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F)> - set
* *** zero (IR->F) Rolls to Defend: [Evade], [Evade], [Blank], [], [], [], [] ***
* *** ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F) Rolls to Attack: [Hit], [Hit], [Hit], [], [], [], [] ***
<ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F)> - set
* *** zero (IR->F) Rolls to Defend: [Evade], [Blank], [Evade], [], [], [], [] ***
<zero (IR->F)> - 1h
<ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F)> - same from thug 1
* *** ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F) Rolls to Attack: [Hit], [Focus], [Hit], [], [], [], [] ***
* *** ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F) used Focus on Attack Dice ***
<ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F)> - set
* *** zero (IR->F) Rolls to Defend: [Blank], [Focus], [Evade], [], [], [], [] ***
<zero (IR->F)> - 1h
* *** ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F) Rolls to Attack: [Hit], [Hit], [Focus], [], [], [], [] ***
<ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F)> - set
* *** zero (IR->F) Rolls to Defend: [Evade], [Focus], [Evade], [], [], [], [] ***
<ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F)> - so close
<zero (IR->F)> - so close
<zero (IR->F)> - dials
<ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F)> - dials
<zero (IR->F)> - set
<ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F)> - set
<zero (IR->F)> - decloak right
* --- zero (IR->F):  (Whisper) performs: Decloak Right as Backward as Possible
<zero (IR->F)> - set
* ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F) reveals the dial for Thug 1: Hard Right 3 *
* ---ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F): Y-Wing (Thug 1) performs move: 3 - Right Turn
* ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F) reveals the dial for Thug 2: Hard Right 3 *
* ---ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F): Y-Wing (Thug 2) performs move: 3 - Right Turn
<ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F)> - set
* zero (IR->F) reveals the dial for BSP2: Bank Left 3 *
* ---zero (IR->F):  (BSP2) performs move: 3 - Left Bank
* zero (IR->F) reveals the dial for BSP1: Bank Left 3 *
* ---zero (IR->F):  (BSP1) performs move: 3 - Left Bank
* zero (IR->F) reveals the dial for Wampa: Hard Left 1 *
* ---zero (IR->F):  (Wampa) performs move: 1 - Left Turn
<zero (IR->F)> - good?
<ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F)> - yeah
<ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F)> - great
<zero (IR->F)> - set
* ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F) reveals the dial for Asajj: Bank Right 1 *
* --- ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F): Pursuit Craft (Asajj) performs move: 1 - Right Bank
<ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F)> - TL whisper
<ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F)> - set
* zero (IR->F) reveals the dial for Howl: Forward 2 *
* ---zero (IR->F):  (Howl) performs move: 2 - Forward
<zero (IR->F)> - good?
<ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F)> - yeah
* zero (IR->F) reveals the dial for Whisper: Hard Left 1 *
* ---zero (IR->F):  (Whisper) performs move: 1 - Left Turn
<zero (IR->F)> - good?
<ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F)> - yewah
<ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F)> - did you pick the wrong move for  wampa?
<zero (IR->F)> - no?
<ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F)> - just wondering if there was a dial slip or something
<ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F)> - combat?
<zero (IR->F)> - yeah
<ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F)> - stres on whisper
<zero (IR->F)> - whisper on asajj 4 v 2
* *** zero (IR->F) Rolls to Attack: [Hit], [Focus], [Crit], [Hit], [], [], [] ***
<zero (IR->F)> - howl rr
* *** zero (IR->F) Re-Rolls Attack Die 2 [Focus] and gets a [Focus] ***
<zero (IR->F)> - set
* *** ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F) Rolls to Defend: [Evade], [Focus], [], [], [], [], [] ***
<ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F)> - set
<ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F)> - 2s
<zero (IR->F)> - foucs
<zero (IR->F)> - howl on asajj 2 v 2
* *** zero (IR->F) Rolls to Attack: [Hit], [Blank], [], [], [], [], [] ***
<zero (IR->F)> - set
* *** ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F) Rolls to Defend: [Blank], [Blank], [], [], [], [], [] ***
<ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F)> - set
<ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F)> - 1s
<ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F)> - whisper
<ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F)> - 3v2
* *** ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F) Rolls to Attack: [Blank], [Focus], [Hit], [], [], [], [] ***
<ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F)> - tl
* *** ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F) Re-Rolls Attack Die 1 [Blank] and gets a [Blank] ***
* *** ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F) Re-Rolls Attack Die 2 [Focus] and gets a [Hit] ***
<ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F)> - set
* *** zero (IR->F) Rolls to Defend: [Focus], [Evade], [], [], [], [], [] ***
* *** zero (IR->F) used Focus on Defense Dice ***
<ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F)> - err... safe
<zero (IR->F)> - wampa on asajj 3 v 2
* *** zero (IR->F) Rolls to Attack: [Focus], [Blank], [Crit], [], [], [], [] ***
<zero (IR->F)> - howl
* *** zero (IR->F) Re-Rolls Attack Die 2 [Blank] and gets a [Blank] ***
<zero (IR->F)> - set
* *** ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F) Rolls to Defend: [Evade], [Focus], [], [], [], [], [] ***
<ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F)> - safe
<zero (IR->F)> - do i do wampa before or after you roll?
<ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F)> - I think before
<zero (IR->F)> - ok
<ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F)> - it's when you're modifying 
<zero (IR->F)> - makes sebse
<zero (IR->F)> - bsp2 on asajj 
<zero (IR->F)> - 3 v 2
* *** zero (IR->F) Rolls to Attack: [Hit], [Focus], [Crit], [], [], [], [] ***
* *** zero (IR->F) used Focus on Attack Dice ***
* *** ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F) Rolls to Defend: [Focus], [Blank], [], [], [], [], [] ***
* *** ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F) added a Def Result [Evade] ***
<zero (IR->F)> - crack
<ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F)> - yup
<ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F)> - 2h1c
* ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F) flips up the critical card:  Console Fire *
<zero (IR->F)> - same thing
* *** zero (IR->F) Rolls to Attack: [Hit], [Blank], [Crit], [], [], [], [] ***
* *** zero (IR->F) Re-Rolls Attack Die 2 [Blank] and gets a [Hit] ***
<zero (IR->F)> - set
* *** ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F) Rolls to Defend: [Evade], [Blank], [], [], [], [], [] ***
<ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F)> - set
<zero (IR->F)> - crack
<ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F)> - 2h1c
* ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F) flips up the critical card:  Loose Stabilizer *
<ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F)> - TLT on howl
* *** ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F) Rolls to Attack: [Hit], [Focus], [Hit], [], [], [], [] ***
<ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F)> - set
* *** zero (IR->F) Rolls to Defend: [Focus], [Blank], [Focus], [], [], [], [] ***
<zero (IR->F)> - dead
<ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F)> - TLT on wampa
* *** ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F) Rolls to Attack: [Hit], [Focus], [Crit], [], [], [], [] ***
<ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F)> - set
* *** zero (IR->F) Rolls to Defend: [Blank], [Focus], [Evade], [], [], [], [] ***
<zero (IR->F)> - 1h
* *** ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F) Rolls to Attack: [Blank], [Hit], [Hit], [], [], [], [] ***
<ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F)> - set
* *** zero (IR->F) Rolls to Defend: [Focus], [Blank], [Evade], [], [], [], [] ***
<zero (IR->F)> - 1h
<ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F)> - dials
<ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F)> - set
<zero (IR->F)> - set
* ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F) reveals the dial for Thug 2: Hard Right 2 *
* ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F) reveals the dial for Thug 1: Hard Right 2 *
* ---ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F): Y-Wing (Thug 2) performs move: 2 - Right Turn
* ---ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F): Y-Wing (Thug 1) performs move: 2 - Right Turn
<ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F)> - set
* zero (IR->F) reveals the dial for BSP2: Bank Right 3 *
* ---zero (IR->F):  (BSP2) performs move: 3 - Right Bank
* zero (IR->F) reveals the dial for BSP1: Bank Right 3 *
* ---zero (IR->F):  (BSP1) performs move: 3 - Right Bank
* zero (IR->F) reveals the dial for Wampa: Bank Right 2 *
* ---zero (IR->F):  (Wampa) performs move: 2 - Right Bank
<zero (IR->F)> - br left
* --- zero (IR->F):  (Wampa) barrel rolls: Left as Backward as Possible
<zero (IR->F)> - set
* ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F) reveals the dial for Asajj: Hard Right 3 *
* --- ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F): Pursuit Craft (Asajj) performs move: 3 - Right Turn
<ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F)> - k4 tl... whisper
<ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F)> - dropping cargo
<zero (IR->F)> - dont you  have slam?
<ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F)> - right... 
<ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F)> - that's what I put in list juggler
<ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F)> - forgot to update my list on vassal
<ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F)> - so I don't guess I have cargo
<ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F)> - I wish i had remembered that :)
<ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F)> - ok
<ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F)> - flip arc
<ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F)> - err...
<ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F)> - flip card
<ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F)> - console fire
<zero (IR->F)> - k
<ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F)> - push to rotate
<ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F)> - set
* zero (IR->F) reveals the dial for Whisper: Forward 2 *
* ---zero (IR->F):  (Whisper) performs move: 2 - Forward
<ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F)> - keep the tress
<zero (IR->F)> - whisper on thug2 4 v 2
* *** zero (IR->F) Rolls to Attack: [Crit], [Blank], [Hit], [Hit], [], [], [] ***
<zero (IR->F)> - set
* *** ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F) Rolls to Defend: [Blank], [Blank], [], [], [], [], [] ***
<ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F)> - boom
<zero (IR->F)> - focus
* ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F) flips up the critical card:  Shaken Pilot *
<ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F)> - whisper
<ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F)> - 3v2
* *** ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F) Rolls to Attack: [Blank], [Crit], [Focus], [], [], [], [] ***
<ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F)> - tl
* *** ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F) Re-Rolls Attack Die 1 [Blank] and gets a [Crit] ***
* *** ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F) Re-Rolls Attack Die 3 [Focus] and gets a [Hit] ***
<ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F)> - set
* *** zero (IR->F) Rolls to Defend: [Focus], [Focus], [], [], [], [], [] ***
* *** zero (IR->F) used Focus on Defense Dice ***
<zero (IR->F)> - 1s
<ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F)> - tractor beam token
* --- ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F):  (Whisper) barrel rolls: Right as Forward as Possible
<ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F)> - set
<zero (IR->F)> - 3 v 2
* *** zero (IR->F) Rolls to Attack: [Crit], [Blank], [Focus], [], [], [], [] ***
<zero (IR->F)> - cancel for hit
<ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F)> - nice
<ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F)> - boom
* *** ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F) Rolls to Defend: [Evade], [Focus], [], [], [], [], [] ***
<zero (IR->F)> - 2 v 1 on thug1
* *** zero (IR->F) Rolls to Attack: [Hit], [Hit], [], [], [], [], [] ***
<zero (IR->F)> - st
* *** ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F) Rolls to Defend: [Evade], [], [], [], [], [], [] ***
<ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F)> - 1s
<zero (IR->F)> - 2 v 2 
* *** zero (IR->F) Rolls to Attack: [Blank], [Focus], [], [], [], [], [] ***
<ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F)> - dammit
<ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F)> - tlt on bsp2
* *** ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F) Rolls to Attack: [Crit], [Blank], [Blank], [], [], [], [] ***
<ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F)> - set'
* *** zero (IR->F) Rolls to Defend: [Evade], [Evade], [Blank], [], [], [], [] ***
* *** ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F) Rolls to Attack: [Focus], [Hit], [Crit], [], [], [], [] ***
<ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F)> - set
* *** zero (IR->F) Rolls to Defend: [Evade], [Blank], [Blank], [], [], [], [] ***
<zero (IR->F)> - 1h
* zero (IR->F) reveals the dial for BSP1: Bank Right 3 *
* zero (IR->F) reveals the dial for Wampa: Bank Right 2 *
* zero (IR->F) reveals the dial for Whisper: Forward 2 *
* zero (IR->F) reveals the dial for BSP2: Bank Right 3 *
<zero (IR->F)> - set
<ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F)> - set
* ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F) reveals the dial for Thug 1: Forward 1 *
* ---ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F): Y-Wing (Thug 1) performs move: 1 - Forward
<ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F)> - set
* zero (IR->F) reveals the dial for Wampa: Hard Right 3 *
* ---zero (IR->F):  (Wampa) performs move: 3 - Right Turn
* *** zero (IR->F) Rolls to Attack: [Hit], [], [], [], [], [], [] ***
<ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F)> - rock mvp
<zero (IR->F)> - lol
* zero (IR->F) reveals the dial for BSP1: K-Turn 4 *
* ---zero (IR->F):  (BSP1) performs move: 4 - Koiogran
<zero (IR->F)> - good?
<ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F)> - yeah
* zero (IR->F) reveals the dial for BSP2: Bank Right 2 *
* ---zero (IR->F):  (BSP2) performs move: 2 - Right Bank
* zero (IR->F) reveals the dial for Whisper: Forward 2 *
* ---zero (IR->F):  (Whisper) performs move: 2 - Forward
<zero (IR->F)> - 4 v 1
* *** zero (IR->F) Rolls to Attack: [Hit], [Hit], [Focus], [Focus], [], [], [] ***
* *** zero (IR->F) used Focus on Attack Dice ***
* *** ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F) Rolls to Defend: [Evade], [], [], [], [], [], [] ***
<ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F)> - 2s1h
<zero (IR->F)> - focus and cloak
<zero (IR->F)> - 2 v 1 
* *** zero (IR->F) Rolls to Attack: [Focus], [Blank], [], [], [], [], [] ***
<zero (IR->F)> - set
* *** ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F) Rolls to Defend: [Focus], [], [], [], [], [], [] ***
<ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F)> - TLT on bsp2
* *** ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F) Rolls to Attack: [Focus], [Focus], [Blank], [], [], [], [] ***
* *** ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F) used Focus on Attack Dice ***
<ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F)> - set
* *** zero (IR->F) Rolls to Defend: [Evade], [Blank], [Focus], [], [], [], [] ***
* *** zero (IR->F) used Focus on Defense Dice ***
* *** ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F) Rolls to Attack: [Blank], [Hit], [Blank], [], [], [], [] ***
<ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F)> - set
* *** zero (IR->F) Rolls to Defend: [Blank], [Evade], [Evade], [], [], [], [] ***
<ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F)> - dials
<zero (IR->F)> - set
<ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F)> - set
<ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F)> - unset
<ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F)> - set
<zero (IR->F)> - decloack left
* --- zero (IR->F):  (Whisper) performs: Decloak Left as Backward as Possible
<zero (IR->F)> - set
* ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F) reveals the dial for Thug 1: Hard Right 3 *
* ---ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F): Y-Wing (Thug 1) performs move: 3 - Right Turn
<ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F)> - set
* zero (IR->F) reveals the dial for BSP1: Hard Right 1 *
* ---zero (IR->F):  (BSP1) performs move: 1 - Right Turn
* zero (IR->F) reveals the dial for BSP2: Hard Right 1 *
* ---zero (IR->F):  (BSP2) performs move: 1 - Right Turn
* zero (IR->F) reveals the dial for Whisper: Hard Right 3 *
* ---zero (IR->F):  (Whisper) performs move: 3 - Right Turn
<zero (IR->F)> - good?
<ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F)> - yup
<ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F)> - just end the pain
<zero (IR->F)> - 4 v  1
* *** zero (IR->F) Rolls to Attack: [Hit], [Blank], [Hit], [Hit], [], [], [] ***
* *** ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F) Rolls to Defend: [Focus], [], [], [], [], [], [] ***
<ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F)> - 3h
<zero (IR->F)> - 2 v 1
* *** zero (IR->F) Rolls to Attack: [Blank], [Hit], [], [], [], [], [] ***
* *** ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F) Rolls to Defend: [Blank], [], [], [], [], [], [] ***
<ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F)> - gg
<zero (IR->F)> - gg
<ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F)> - well flown
<zero (IR->F)> - thank you
<ajmath (Ord Mantell - IR:F)> - I wish I had remembered about slam
lhayhurst commented 8 years ago

hi, thanks for the report, will have a look.