lhcb / glossary

LHCb Glossary
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Old list(s) of acronyms #45

Open admorris opened 5 years ago

admorris commented 5 years ago

I forget where I got these from (maybe the 2008 JINST papers?) but I just remembered I downloaded a list of acronyms for the LHC and its experiments for the purpose of loading them into an IRC bot:


LHCb.txt might be useful

eduardo-rodrigues commented 5 years ago

Seems there are indeed in there some terms not in the glossary. Others are not LHCb-specific, so can be skipped.

eduardo-rodrigues commented 3 years ago

For reference here is the contents of the file:

define ACS (LHCb) ALMA Computing Software. 
define API (LHCb) Application Program Interface.
define ARP (LHCb) Address Resolution Protocol.
define CCPC (LHCb) Credit-Card PCs. 
define CIC DB (LHCb) Configuration Inventory Connectivity DB.
define CORBA (LHCb) Common Object Request Broker Architecture.
define CP (LHCb) Controls PC.  Linux or Windows PC with PVSS installed used to configure and monitor a set of modules. 
define CRC (LHCb) Contrôle de Redondance Cyclique (CheckSum).
define CS (LHCb) Controls Switch. 
define DAC (LHCb) Digital Analog Converter.
define DIM (LHCb) Distribution Information Management. Communication system for distributed / mixed environments. 
define DML (LHCb) Data Manipulation Language.
define DNS (LHCb) Domain Name Server.
define DP (LHCb) Data Point. 
define DPT (LHCb) Data Point Type. PVSS concept to represent the structure of a device type class. 
define DS (LHCb) Distribution Switch. 
define EFF (LHCb) Event Filter Farm. 
define ERM (LHCb) Entity Relational Model.
define FE (LHCb) Front-End. 
define FSM (LHCb) Finite State Machine. 
define GOL (LHCb) Gigabit Optical Link. Fast (Gigabit) Optical transmitter which is resistant to high radiation. 
define HLT (LHCb) High Level Trigger. Physics Algorithm to select the most interesting events. 
define HPD (LHCb) Hybrid-Photon Detector. 
define HV (LHCb) High Voltage. HV type A provides AC voltage between 1kV and 50kV and DC between 1.5kV and 75kV. 
define IMS (LHCb) Information Management System.
define LCU (LHCb) Local Control Unit. 
define LV (LHCb) Low Voltage. LV type A provides AC voltage between 50V and 500V and DC between 120 kV and 750V. 
define MAC  (LHCb) Media Access Control.
define MEP (LHCb) Multi Event Packet. 
define NIC (LHCb) Network Interface Card.
define NFS (LHCb) Network File System.
define OCCI (LHCb) Oracle C++ Call Interface.
define OCI (LHCb) Oracle Call Interface.
define ODBC (LHCb) Open DataBase Connectivity.
define ODMG (LHCb) Object Data Management Group.
define OID (LHCb) Object IDentifier.
define OPC (LHCb) OLE for Process Control.
define OSPF (LHCb) Open Shortest Path First.
define OSI (LHCb) Open System Interconnected.
define PMT (LHCb) PhotoMultiplier Tube. 
define PUS (LHCb) Pile-Up System. 
define PVSS (LHCb) ProzessVisualisierungs- und SteuerungsSystem. 
define RAC (LHCb) Real Application Cluster. 
define RIP (LHCb) Routing Information Protocol. 
define RM (LHCb) Relational Model. 
define SCADA (LHCb) Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition. 
define SFC (LHCb) SubFarm Controller. 
define SMI (LHCb) State Management Interface. 
define TGC (LHCb) Thin Gas Chambers. 
define TTCtx (LHCb) Timing Trigger and Control transmitter. 
define TTCoc (LHCb) Timing Trigger and Control optical coupler. 
define TTCrx (LHCb) Timing Trigger and Control receiver. 
define TFC (LHCb) Timing Fast Control. 

Many terms are already in the glossary. Others are not relevant. Some would be great to have in :-).

eduardo-rodrigues commented 2 years ago

Hi Adam, I removed from your list above some of the entries that are already in the glossary. More clean-ups to be done towards a minimal list of what should go to the glossary ... (I removed for example "CVS" since no longer relevant for us and anyway not at all LHCb / HEP specific.)