lhenneman / hyspdisp

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Find appropriate planetary boundary layer data that will work for many years. #43

Closed schoolAccountMajaG closed 4 years ago

lhenneman commented 5 years ago

Let's use this one. It's updated every month to include the previous month.


lhenneman commented 5 years ago

For completeness, include this information in Readme: "NCEP Reanalysis data provided by the NOAA/OAR/ESRL PSD, Boulder, Colorado, USA, from their Web site at https://www.esrl.noaa.gov/psd/"

Citation: Mesinger, F., G. DiMego, E. Kalnay, K. Mitchell, P.C. Shafran, W. Ebisuzaki, D. Jović, J. Woollen, E. Rogers, E.H. Berbery, M.B. Ek, Y. Fan, R. Grumbine, W. Higgins, H. Li, Y. Lin, G. Manikin, D. Parrish, and W. Shi, 2006: North American Regional Reanalysis. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 87, 343–360, https://doi.org/10.1175/BAMS-87-3-343

schoolAccountMajaG commented 4 years ago

included in readme