lhermann / langify-docs

Documentation for the open translation system langify
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Let user select what to see when no translation availabe #15

Open dgilge opened 6 years ago

dgilge commented 6 years ago

My suggestion is to let the user choose what (and if) he wants to use as basis for his translation:

  1. DeepL translation
  2. Old translation 1
  3. Old translation 2
  4. Old translation x
  5. Google translator
  6. blank

He can set a default in his (a) user settings and for (b) every book. But he can still see all availabe translations for (c) each paragraph.

This is a priority list for (a) and (b): In case the first is not availabe the second (or nth) will be used.

What do you think? As soon as I have your responses I can go on…

Salomito commented 6 years ago

Hi Daniel, In the case where we have an unofficial translation, we should use it as the basis, as it is most probably better than google or deepl at this point. I think we should only have one button (option) for machine translation. We should just choose the best one for them. Which would be deepl I guess.

lhermann commented 6 years ago

Hey @Salomito, make sure to remove your email signature for GitHub replies :)

I agree, we only offer one machine translation option besides prior translations. I need to think about a good way to integrate this into the UI

dgilge commented 6 years ago

Thanks for you comments. I just deleted the e-mail signature (also in the history).

Alright, I agree that simpler is probalbly better.

Do I understand you correctly to still be able to choose between an old translation and a machine translation?

In this case I'd create a separate database table for that. But I think I'll do that anyway in order to have a vocabulary for autocompletion (and spellchecking).

lhermann commented 6 years ago

I am not sure if it would be advisable to let the person choose between old translations.

  1. It is probably way more work for the benefit to implement
  2. We will probably end up with a very un-unifom result

It is better to ask persons of experience which old translation to offer, or to have some way of letting the users choose beforehand.

dgilge commented 6 years ago

Let's discuss the details another time.

I'll use a separate table here. Not last because of statistics. (When I copied the machine/old translation directly into the translation segments the statistics said that everything was translated.)

Do you have a good name for that? This is what I need right now. I'm thinking of "TranslationResource".

lhermann commented 6 years ago


dgilge commented 6 years ago

This is not specific enough. It could be everything. Well, as long as it isn't new and pretty. ;-)

dgilge commented 6 years ago


dgilge commented 6 years ago

There's something else to consider: Identical sentences/paragraphs which are translated in another book already

lhermann commented 6 years ago

Oh yes, that's right. Especially with all those compilations. Definitively important for EGW books.

dgilge commented 6 years ago

We decided to have an additional API and maybe an extra table (BaseTranslation, in case this is more practical than direct access to the translator API) for DeepL, etc.

I'll come back when start implementing this and I need API access for DeepL. The API can be found at https://www.deepl.com/api.html

Issue added to July milestone today.

dgilge commented 6 years ago

We also said to have a button in the UI to select the AI translation as basis for a human translation.

One thing I thought about is to be able to read the AI translation. The reason for this is simple: It might be that somebody wants to read some text in his language which is available as AI translation, but he had to wait several years for a human translation.

What do you think? Can we make a UI for AI translations (as long as there is no human translation)?