lhermann / langify-docs

Documentation for the open translation system langify
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Privileges/permissions #7

Closed dgilge closed 5 years ago

dgilge commented 6 years ago

Decisions to make:

dgilge commented 6 years ago

Some notes on the privileges:

lhermann commented 6 years ago

Use a numbered list, it's easier to answer:

  1. flag is correct, maintainer/admin gets informed, user doesn't know until maintainer intervenes
  2. it's okay to rename upvote. I think approve is more appropriate.
  3. hide means an inappropriate comment will not be visible anymore. In many chats/comment threads it show up like Lukas: [comment was hidden bei maintainer], which is useful for inappropriate comments, but delete may serve the same purpose.
dgilge commented 6 years ago

Ok. I think it's important to use commonly understood terms. This is why I have these questions...

(Numberd list doesn't reflect your numbering.)

  1. GitHub calls flag report. This might be even better.
  2. Is hide and delete a difference in our design? What if the poster wants to delete it? Is it then removed completely (like on GitHub)?
  3. Is rollback a common term for this purpose? Or is restore, redo, recover or undo better?
lhermann commented 6 years ago
  1. report is probably clearer.
  2. hide and delete is different. If commenter or admin deletes a comment, it's gone from the database. If he hides it, it will still be there, but the content is not visible (this is somethimes better for usability reasons, so the original commenter doesn't think his comment was lost or something)
  3. rollback is a developer term. I am using the word restore in the UI, I think it will be clearer to our target group.
dgilge commented 6 years ago
  1. Then I'll call it restore in the backend, too. Any objection?
  2. What about deleting a translation? Can delete translations = 150
lhermann commented 6 years ago

delete translation is really just an edit that removes all the text. Or do you mean removing a history object? In this case we should handle it like git, that deleting is not possible ... except, again, for content with unclean language.

Edit: "Email replies do not support Markdown" :(

dgilge commented 6 years ago

Ha, deleting historical records... That gets interesting. I think we'll come back to that later.

But I was actually refering to segments. Yes, deletion of a translation is actually just removing the text with one difference: I'd say it always creates an own historical record (which hasn't any text, but another change reason). I think it's not so easy to implement it if we don't have a separate API endpoint for deletion (which is implemented already) using the current segment and history handling.

But after all it's your task to make the UI and if you don't see a fitting place for deletion I can remove the endpoint.

Restoring also always produces it's own historical record, doesn't it?

dgilge commented 6 years ago

Why should flagging require such high reputation if users don't see it? I mean actually everybody should be albe to report abuse... And I think it should cost a lot more than 5 points. I mean you risk your account when you abuse the platform.

dgilge commented 6 years ago

I like approve but what I didn't think of is downvote. If we change upvote we should change downvote, too. What about disapprove or decline?

lhermann commented 6 years ago

Yes, deletion of a translation is actually just removing the text with one difference: I'd say it always creates an own historical record

That's what I meant

Restoring also always produces it's own historical record, doesn't it?


I mean actually everybody should be albe to report abuse

Good point, I think you are right

What about disapprove or decline?

disapprove, then it is consistent

dgilge commented 6 years ago

Thanks for your quick responses @lhermann . I've updated the document to reflect our discussions. (Every comment with a ❤️ is now a part of the document.)

I kept flag because can report comment might not be specific enough.

I'm not sure how much permissions trustees and repsonsible entities should have... Right now only the reputation counts. But we probably should change that.

lhermann commented 6 years ago

Great! So you can can merge.

Permissions for trustees is a separate issue

lhermann commented 6 years ago

One more thing:

-1 | Another version is restored

We probably want to specify that to avoid punishing "innocent" people with every restore. Maybe only limit this penalty to an action restoring particularly the edits of one person. as in: Edit A - Edit B - Restore A --> B gets penalty

Alternatively: Edit A - Edit B - Edit C - Edit D - Restore A --> B, C and D get penalty

And what if the restored version gets restored? Edit A - Edit B - Restore A - Restore B?

dgilge commented 6 years ago

So you can can merge.

I actually wanted to discuss much more in this PR, especially score details.

Edit A - Edit B - Edit C - Edit D - Restore A --> B, C and D get penalty

I agree doing it that way.

And what if the restored version gets restored?

Good point. We should restore the reputation, too.

lhermann commented 6 years ago

I imagine the whole restoring of reputation can get quite complicated, doesn't it? But it's your part :)

Sure, go ahead, what other points should we tackle?

dgilge commented 6 years ago

I changed my mind and I think we'll discuss when to gain and loose reputation and how much in another issue…

But since we decided to allow empty drafts we should change the delete minimum from 150 to 3.

lhermann commented 6 years ago

Yes, we should

lhermann commented 6 years ago

great! You can merge now.

dgilge commented 5 years ago

I merge this now to be able to do our homework. ;)

lhermann commented 5 years ago

And you merged it right into master ... so then we have to merge from master back into staging I guess.

dgilge commented 5 years ago

There is no staging in this repo ;)