Closed mkbkxdd closed 2 years ago
Thank you for your interest in our work!
I'm sorry but we do not support Windows. I would recommend installing an Ubuntu system as dual boot.
Based on the error, it could also be that you did not convert the datasets as explained in
Thank you for your interest in our work!
I'm sorry but we do not support Windows. I would recommend installing an Ubuntu system as dual boot.
Based on the error, it could also be that you did not convert the datasets as explained in
Thanks for your reply , I changed all 'gta\labels\*_labelTrainIds.png' with 'gta/labels/*_labelTrainIds.png' in all json files , then the problem is solved,and it can run in Windows!Thanks for you again!
Thank you for your interest in our work! I'm sorry but we do not support Windows. I would recommend installing an Ubuntu system as dual boot. Based on the error, it could also be that you did not convert the datasets as explained in
Thanks for your reply , I changed all 'gta\labels*_labelTrainIds.png' with 'gta/labels/*_labelTrainIds.png' in all json files , then the problem is solved,and it can run in Windows!Thanks for you again!
I'd like to ask you what you run under Windows system, because I can't install mmcv all the time
Thank you for your interest in our work! I'm sorry but we do not support Windows. I would recommend installing an Ubuntu system as dual boot. Based on the error, it could also be that you did not convert the datasets as explained in
Thanks for your reply , I changed all '*gta\labels_labelTrainIds.png' with 'gta/labels/_labelTrainIds.png*' in all json files , then the problem is solved,and it can run in Windows!Thanks for you again!
I'd like to ask you what you run under Windows system, because I can't install mmcv all the time
look this: or^v10^pc_search_result_control_group,157^v5^control&spm=1018.2226.3001.4187
Thank you for your interest in our work! I'm sorry but we do not support Windows. I would recommend installing an Ubuntu system as dual boot. Based on the error, it could also be that you did not convert the datasets as explained in
Thanks for your reply , I changed all 'gta\labels*_labelTrainIds.png' with 'gta/labels/*_labelTrainIds.png' in all json files , then the problem is solved,and it can run in Windows!Thanks for you again!
Thank you so much, you saved my ass!
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 106, in
Hello! I am running this program on Windows 11. After reading your explanation above, I was greatly inspired and made the path changes as you described. However, there are still some errors. Could you please take a moment to look at it?
Hi, thank you for your wonderful work, but I have a question for you. I would appreciate it if you could answer it.
When I run “python --config configs/daformer/", in Windows, I got this problem : KeyError: 'gta\labels\13438_labelTrainIds.png'. And the error is as follows:
Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 103, in
File "E:\Project\DAFormer-master\tools\", line 166, in main
File "E:\Project\DAFormer-master\mmseg\apis\", line 131, in train_segmentor, cfg.workflow)
File "c:\programdata\mmcv-1.3.7\mmcv\runner\", line 131, in run
iter_runner(iter_loaders[i], **kwargs)
File "c:\programdata\mmcv-1.3.7\mmcv\runner\", line 58, in train
data_batch = next(data_loader)
File "c:\programdata\mmcv-1.3.7\mmcv\runner\", line 32, in next
data = [self.dataset[idx] for idx in possibly_batched_index]
File "C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\envs\torch3.8\lib\site-packages\torch\utils\data_utils\", line 49, in
data = [self.dataset[idx] for idx in possibly_batched_index]
File "E:\Project\DAFormer-master\mmseg\datasets\", line 113, in getitem
return self.get_rare_class_sample()
File "E:\Project\DAFormer-master\mmseg\datasets\", line 90, in get_rare_class_sample
i1 = self.file_to_idx[f1]
KeyError: 'gta\labels\13432_labelTrainIds.png'