lhoyer / HRDA

[ECCV22] Official Implementation of HRDA: Context-Aware High-Resolution Domain-Adaptive Semantic Segmentation
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Configs for AdvSeg and MinEnt #16

Closed Renp1ngs closed 1 year ago

Renp1ngs commented 1 year ago

Dear Lukas: Thank you for your wonderful work and excellent code. Can you provide a configuration file that can be run directly using minent.py and advseg.py? Thank you very much.

lhoyer commented 1 year ago

Thank you very much for your interest in our work. You can generate the config files yourself by running experiment 41 as explained in https://github.com/lhoyer/HRDA#training.

Renp1ngs commented 1 year ago

Yes, but I'm not quite sure how your interface is called. So do you have a configuration file that can be run directly and uses UDA type='minent' or type='advseg' can you give me a reference? thank you very much. Also about here https://github.com/lhoyer/HRDA/blob/master/mmseg/models/utils/dacs_transforms.py#L91

classes = torch.unique(labels)

Should it be so?

classes = torch.unique(label)

Thank you for your reply. Good luck.

lhoyer commented 1 year ago

Here are the automatically generated configs for reference:

    "_base_": [
    "gpu_model": "NVIDIATITANRTX",
    "n_gpus": 1,
    "seed": 0,
    "model": {
        "pretrained": "open-mmlab://resnet101_v1c",
        "backbone": {
            "depth": 101
        "decode_head": {
            "single_scale_head": "DLV2Head",
            "type": "HRDAHead",
            "attention_classwise": true,
            "hr_loss_weight": 0.1
        "type": "HRDAEncoderDecoder",
        "scales": [
        "hr_crop_size": [
        "feature_scale": 0.5,
        "crop_coord_divisible": 8,
        "hr_slide_inference": true
    "data": {
        "samples_per_gpu": 2,
        "workers_per_gpu": 1,
        "train": {}
    "optimizer_config": null,
    "optimizer": {
        "lr": 0.0025,
        "paramwise_cfg": {
            "custom_keys": {}
    "runner": {
        "type": "IterBasedRunner",
        "max_iters": 40000
    "checkpoint_config": {
        "by_epoch": false,
        "interval": 40000,
        "max_keep_ckpts": 1
    "evaluation": {
        "interval": 4000,
        "metric": "mIoU"
    "name": "220914_0758_gtaCAugHR2csHR_1024x1024_advseg_hrda1-512-01_dlv2red_r101v1c_poly10warm_sgd_00025_pmF_s0_2ce69",
    "exp": 41,
    "name_dataset": "gtaCAugHR2cityscapesHR_1024x1024",
    "name_architecture": "hrda1-512-0.1_dlv2red_r101v1c",
    "name_encoder": "r101v1c",
    "name_decoder": "hrda1-512-0.1_dlv2red",
    "name_uda": "advseg",
    "name_opt": "sgd_0.0025_pmFalse_poly10warm_1x2_40k",
    "work_dir": "work_dirs/local-exp41/220914_0758_gtaCAugHR2csHR_1024x1024_advseg_hrda1-512-01_dlv2red_r101v1c_poly10warm_sgd_00025_pmF_s0_2ce69",
    "git_rev": "301478d5bcaff72eae55c9b686197024bf181dd3"


    "_base_": [
    "gpu_model": "NVIDIATITANRTX",
    "n_gpus": 1,
    "seed": 0,
    "model": {
        "pretrained": "open-mmlab://resnet101_v1c",
        "backbone": {
            "depth": 101
        "decode_head": {
            "single_scale_head": "DLV2Head",
            "type": "HRDAHead",
            "attention_classwise": true,
            "hr_loss_weight": 0.1
        "type": "HRDAEncoderDecoder",
        "scales": [
        "hr_crop_size": [
        "feature_scale": 0.5,
        "crop_coord_divisible": 8,
        "hr_slide_inference": true
    "data": {
        "samples_per_gpu": 2,
        "workers_per_gpu": 1,
        "train": {}
    "optimizer_config": null,
    "optimizer": {
        "lr": 0.0025,
        "paramwise_cfg": {
            "custom_keys": {}
    "runner": {
        "type": "IterBasedRunner",
        "max_iters": 40000
    "checkpoint_config": {
        "by_epoch": false,
        "interval": 40000,
        "max_keep_ckpts": 1
    "evaluation": {
        "interval": 4000,
        "metric": "mIoU"
    "name": "220914_0758_gtaCAugHR2csHR_1024x1024_minent_hrda1-512-01_dlv2red_r101v1c_poly10warm_sgd_00025_pmF_s0_2fd72",
    "exp": 41,
    "name_dataset": "gtaCAugHR2cityscapesHR_1024x1024",
    "name_architecture": "hrda1-512-0.1_dlv2red_r101v1c",
    "name_encoder": "r101v1c",
    "name_decoder": "hrda1-512-0.1_dlv2red",
    "name_uda": "minent",
    "name_opt": "sgd_0.0025_pmFalse_poly10warm_1x2_40k",
    "work_dir": "work_dirs/local-exp41/220914_0758_gtaCAugHR2csHR_1024x1024_minent_hrda1-512-01_dlv2red_r101v1c_poly10warm_sgd_00025_pmF_s0_2fd72",
    "git_rev": "301478d5bcaff72eae55c9b686197024bf181dd3"
lhoyer commented 1 year ago

For your second question, please have a look at https://github.com/lhoyer/DAFormer/issues/19.

Renp1ngs commented 1 year ago

Thank you very much. Wish you all the best.

Renp1ngs commented 1 year ago

I read through the code about auto-generating configuration files. This seems very stupid for my first question. I have to say that your code is really well written, and I admire it very much.

lhoyer commented 1 year ago

Thanks! I'm happy to hear that!

Renp1ngs commented 1 year ago

I'm very sorry to bother you again. When I checked the code of mmseg/uda/advseg.py, I found that model_D, which is FCDiscriminator, has two optimizers in your implementation. I tried the solution I gave, which is to modify the content in config. Is it correct?

optimizer = dict(
lhoyer commented 1 year ago


As you can see above the optimizer for model_D is hard coded. Therefore, you cannot change its behavior using the optimizer config. Some parameters (i.e. the learning rate) can be changed using the UDA config as shown below.


Renp1ngs commented 1 year ago

First of all have to thank you for your many replies to my question. But the problem I want to point out is that the discriminator parameter is registered by both optimizers, which I verified by stepping through. So I want to ask, the sgd optimizer set for the segmentation model will theoretically update the parameters of the discriminator, so is it necessary to control the lr_mult of optim_cfg equal to 0?

lhoyer commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the clarification. Now I see your point. Yes, the modified config should avoid an update of the discriminator.