lhr-solar / Electronics

Contains all Schematics/PCB files for each electrical system.
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Assess the status of the contactor/precharge boards. #17

Closed chaseblock closed 4 years ago

chaseblock commented 4 years ago

I'm not quite sure where we stand on this, and I would like to know the following:

The design exists in the ContactorDriver folder in this repository.

chaseblock commented 4 years ago

If we do not have the boards assembled yet, do we have the PCBs ordered, and do we have the parts to assemble them?

SijWoo commented 4 years ago

Just noticed this ticket, This was already discussed/confirmed but just to have written confirmation:

chaseblock commented 4 years ago

Good to hear. I'm closing this issue out if that's the case. We can revisit this when we test the whole system in the Fall.