When I try to predict the summary of a raw video, use infer.py.I run python infer.py anchor-based --ckpt-path ../models/custom/checkpoint/custom.yml.0.pt --source ../custom_data/videos/EE-bNr36nyA.mp4 --save-path ./output.mp4
I don not got any frames in the video output.mp4. The key frames disappear.Who know how to address it.
When I try to predict the summary of a raw video, use infer.py.I run python infer.py anchor-based --ckpt-path ../models/custom/checkpoint/custom.yml.0.pt --source ../custom_data/videos/EE-bNr36nyA.mp4 --save-path ./output.mp4 I don not got any frames in the video output.mp4. The key frames disappear.Who know how to address it.