liabru / matter-js

a 2D rigid body physics engine for the web ▲● ■
MIT License
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My Matter js doesnt have gravity all Objects are static #1313

Open Damithedev opened 1 month ago

Damithedev commented 1 month ago

`import { useEffect, useRef } from 'react' import { Engine, Render, Bodies, World } from 'matter-js'

function Comp (props) { const scene = useRef() const isPressed = useRef(false) const engine = useRef(Engine.create())

useEffect(() => { const cw = document.body.clientWidth const ch = document.body.clientHeight

const render = Render.create({
  element: scene.current,
  engine: engine.current,
  options: {
    width: cw,
    height: ch,
    wireframes: false,
    background: 'transparent'

World.add(, [
  Bodies.rectangle(cw / 2, -10, cw, 20, { isStatic: true }),
  Bodies.rectangle(-10, ch / 2, 20, ch, { isStatic: true }),
  Bodies.rectangle(cw / 2, ch + 10, cw, 20, { isStatic: true }),
  Bodies.rectangle(cw + 10, ch / 2, 20, ch, { isStatic: true })

return () => {
  render.canvas = null
  render.context = null
  render.textures = {}

}, [])

const handleDown = () => { isPressed.current = true }

const handleUp = () => { isPressed.current = false }

const handleAddCircle = e => { if (isPressed.current) { const ball = e.clientX, e.clientY, 10 + Math.random() * 30, { mass: 10, restitution: 0.9, friction: 0.005, render: { fillStyle: '#0000ff' } }) World.add(, [ball]) } }

return ( <div onMouseDown={handleDown} onMouseUp={handleUp} onMouseMove={handleAddCircle}

<div ref={scene} style={{ width: '100%', height: '100%' }} />

) }

export default Comp`

This is my Component but all object are static

Shaanz-cmd commented 2 days ago

Because your isStatic property is set to true. Set it's value to false, that should fix your problem.