liamdawson / vscode-jsonnet-language

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syntax highlighting often misses the accordion operator close #1

Open schwehr opened 2 years ago

schwehr commented 2 years ago

I have seen this quite a few times. I can share more examples if it helps. The files are all from the Google Earth Engine STAC catalog that uses Jsonnet as the original source files. STAC is SpatioTemporal Asset Catalogs

        name: 'landcover',
        description: |||
          All images except NCLD2011_HI and NLCD2011_PR include the
          landcover classification scheme described in the
          [2016 Product Legend](
          The legends are also available as metadata on each image.
          The classes in the 2016 product legend are given below.
        'gee:classes': [
            value: 11,
            color: '466b9f',
            description: 'Open water: areas of open water, generally with less than 25% cover of vegetation or soil.',
liamdawson commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the report! Given I did a lift-and-shift to set this plugin up, I'm unlikely to address this particularly soon.

If anyone's familiar with Textmate grammars etc., I'd be particularly grateful for a PR!

schwehr commented 2 years ago

If I can figure out how to setup some sort of stand alone test for it, I can try to take a go at fixing it up. Any hints would be awesome. I'm a very indirect user of this.

schwehr commented 2 years ago

Some quick notes as I learn about this stuff: