liamjack / Arduino-NRF24L01-Thermometer

Sending the temperature via NRF24L01 between two Arduino Nanos.
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liamjack/Arduino-NRF24L01-Thermometer #1

Open M-Kingston opened 3 years ago

M-Kingston commented 3 years ago

I have downloaded both the "Sensor" and "Master" sketches. In the "Master" sketch in the void loop() { if (radio.available()) { float temperature = 0; if(!,sizeof(float))) { the above line gives the following error could not convert 'radio.RF24::read(((void*)(&temperature)),((uint_8)sizeof(float)))' from'void' to 'bool' Any help in solving the problem as I don't understand it??? Thanks Michael.

liamjack commented 3 years ago

Hi Michael,

Thanks for opening this issue, it appears that the underlying RF24 library has changed since my last commit (all the way back in 2017), and the function no longer returns a boolean. I have updated the master.ino file to address this issue, and it now compiles correctly, but I haven't been able to test with an actual Arduino board.

M-Kingston commented 3 years ago

Hello liamjack. Thank you for your reply. I assume I can download the up from the original site where I found it Michael.

liamjack commented 3 years ago

Here is a link to a ZIP Archive of the project files (which includes the updated master.ino file):