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Reading raw transaction with #215

Closed benjii closed 7 years ago

benjii commented 7 years ago

Hi everyone,

I'll come right out and say that I think that I am missing something basic, but I'm tearing my hair our a bit...

I am trying to read this raw transaction:

I can get it successfully with;

raw_tx = Faraday.get("https://#{ENV['BTC_BC_EXPLORER_ENDPOINT']}/api/rawtx/#{uo['txid']}").body

which yields the following result:


All good.

But when I try to read it with it reads 48 inputs and 0 outputs... perhaps I need to encode it in some alternative format?

Thanks in advance! Ben

azuchi commented 7 years ago

The value of the data is a hex format? If it is hex format, you convert it to binary data. like

benjii commented 7 years ago

Thank you!

I feel silly now! :)