lian / bitcoin-ruby

bitcoin utils and protocol in ruby.
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Is FFI a dependency? #257

Closed jaredmoody closed 6 years ago

jaredmoody commented 6 years ago

I was getting started and tried this example from the README:

> key = Bitcoin::Key.generate
=> #<Bitcoin::Key:0x007fb715d6f190 @key=#<OpenSSL::PKey::EC:0x007fb715d6f118 @group=nil>, @pubkey_compressed=true>
> key.priv
=> "abigsecretkeyherethatwasfine"
=> "032e4bcfda534e55146f02a91b88e54fc729471ecf97b9bed5d5d131437e9921f0"
> sig = key.sign("data")
LoadError: cannot load such file -- ffi

I added the ffi gem to my project and then this worked - so is FFI a dependency that is not included in the Gemspec?