NOTE: This package has been renamed to sparrow and will be submitted to Bioconductor 3.14. Please use that package instead. This is kept here for posterity.
Using the GeneSetDb.MSigDB.{Mmusculus|Hsapiens}.v61 packages is sooo last year.
Those packages have been replaced by the GeneSetDb.MSigDB package, which uses the
msigdbr to provide the base (human, v7) genesets. We also use their approach to provide
orthologous gene set collection, by leveraging HCOP.
Using the
packages is sooo last year.Those packages have been replaced by the GeneSetDb.MSigDB package, which uses the msigdbr to provide the base (human, v7) genesets. We also use their approach to provide orthologous gene set collection, by leveraging HCOP.