liantze / AltaCV

Yet another alternative curriculum vitae/résumé class with LaTeX
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More compact way for different position in one company? #39

Open janjur opened 4 years ago

janjur commented 4 years ago

Hi, love your work! CV based on yours landed me quite a few deals :)
Can you consider adding a way to "compactly" add few projects/position under one \cvevent section? So in the final version the location and company name is not repeated several times like "google" positions for Marisa Mayer?

liantze commented 4 years ago

Glad to hear that AltaCV was useful! :D

As a quick hack i.e. without modifying the .cls file, I might try something like this:

\cvevent{Career at Google\hfill\printinfo{\faMapMarker}
  {Palo Alto, CA}}{}{}{}

\cvevent{}{Vice President of Location \& Services}
  {Oct 2010 -- July 2012}{}
\item ...


\cvevent{}{Vice President of Search Products \& UX}{2005 --  2010}{}


\cvevent{}{Product Manager \& UI Lead}{}{Oct 2001 -- July 2005}{}
\item ...

The output would be something like this:

Screenshot 2020-02-07 at 11 01 00 PM

Does that resemble what you had in mind?

janjur commented 4 years ago

Thank you for your suggestion. Sorry, that I failed to state that my usecase was self-employment and few projects for few clients in different locations. I've ended up with modifying the class file a bit, though (acting blindly as I don't understand LaTeX v. much). I just added new command.

  {\small\makebox[0.4\linewidth][l]{\faCalendar \hspace{0.4em}#3}%
  \ifstrequal{#5}{}{}{\makebox[0.3\linewidth][l]{\color{body}\textit{for} \hspace{0.1em}#5}}\par}

Interesting fragment of main.tex:

\newcvevent{MMCorp}{Node.js Developer}{Oct 2013 -- Dec 2016}{Palo Alto, CA}{Google}
\item Some Node work
\item Some Node work
\item Some Node work
\newcvevent{}{Cloud Engineer}{Dec 2010 -- Oct 2013}{Sunnyvale,CA}{Yahoo}
\item Cloud work at Yahoo
\item Cloud work at Yahoo
\item Cloud work at Yahoo
\item Cloud work at Yahoo

If we imagine that MMeyer created MMCorp and "self-employed" herself there so she can work on B2B contracts, we can list her clients like this: image

Not sure if you want to incorporate this usecase somehow in your altacv template. If so, I may provide PR and we can work from there? Maybe I will learn some LaTeX after all :)

liantze commented 4 years ago

Hmm, interesting... I'll have a think and see if it's feasible to add (yet another, perhaps optional) argument to \cvevent.