liaocheng / away3d-particles-system

A particle system based on Stage3D for Away3D engine
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How I can make the Particles move freely? #1

Closed David-Luis closed 12 years ago

David-Luis commented 12 years ago

Hi liaocheng,

How I can make the Particles move freely? I mean, I'm using the smoke class, and write:

var smoke:Smoke = new Smoke(); myCar.addChild(smoke);

But the particles "follow" the car, instead of follow their local velocity.

I do not know if I explained well

Thanks and good work!

liaocheng commented 12 years ago

Hi. It's can't do this.Because all particles of a container share a transform matrix.This is also the high performance key.

liaocheng commented 12 years ago

I add a new container to implement it.please see the trail example .

David-Luis commented 12 years ago

it works! thank you very much liaocheng