liaocheng / away3d-particles-system

A particle system based on Stage3D for Away3D engine
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Particles disappeared after 180 rotation of camera and target in TransformFollowContainer #17

Closed nidin closed 11 years ago

nidin commented 11 years ago

Particles disappeared after 180 rotation of camera and target in TransformFollowContainer. Steps to reproduce the issue 1) setup a 3rd person camera which will follow a Object3D 2) setup a TransformFollowContainer particle system 3) set above target 4) rotate and translate target object particles will toggle at each 180 degree rotation. from 0-180 particles are visible from 180-360 (-180-0) particles will be hidden please fix if this is an issue or give me a work around.


liaocheng commented 11 years ago

Set the alwaysInFrustum to true and have a try. If you kick off a new project, I suggest you use the Away3D 4.1 version, this system have been integrated into Away3D.

nidin commented 11 years ago

Thanks you. Yes "alwaysInFrustum = true" worked