liaohaofu / adn

ADN: Artifact Disentanglement Network for Unsupervised Metal Artifact Reduction
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code #12

Closed strive160 closed 4 years ago

strive160 commented 4 years ago

I would like to reproduce the effect of your comparison experiment, such as CNNMAR, Li, BHC and NMAR. Could you please give me the code? I have also read your other articles about the removal of artifacts.I am particularly interested in this artifact, but just contacted, I hope you can help me.

liaohaofu commented 4 years ago

For CNNMAR, we use the officially released code which is available at The official repo also comes with code of LI, BHC and NMAR and we directly use them in our experiments.

strive160 commented 4 years ago

Could you tell me where the officials repo can see them, in matlab or elsewhere, because I am not convenient for over the wall in my country thank you