liaozhanfeng / Spiking-NeRF

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Eval nerf synthetic #2

Closed BAI-tc closed 2 months ago

BAI-tc commented 4 months ago


HuTaoMylove commented 4 months ago

same question!

ImmaFake commented 2 months ago

same question, please provide us with the test code.

ImmaFake commented 2 months ago

Thanks! Have you solved this problem?

HuTaoMylove commented 2 months ago

what kan I say?man!

ImmaFake commented 2 months ago

Have the author offered you the evaluation part?

ImmaFake commented 2 months ago

If so, could you please share it with us?

BAI-tc commented 2 months ago

If so, could you please share it with us?

No, I don't use this dataset . I'm sorry I can't help you.

ImmaFake commented 2 months ago

It seems like adding --render_only and --render_test will load the evaluation code? Am I right?

from HFneus,PETneus,LODneus to Spiking NeRF,they all do not release the evaluation part.I have model ,but I don't know how to delete the mesh not be seen. So funny! just dream better score next paper!

It seems like adding --render_only and --render_test will load the evaluation code? Am I right?