liato / android-bankdroid

A swedish banking application for your Android device.
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access to #560

Open montoyaedu opened 9 years ago

montoyaedu commented 9 years ago


First of all, I would lika to say that this is a great opensource effort.


I would like to add support for the following online banking service:

The requested information is available at:

Here a summary:

    private static final String CONNECT_URL = "/";
    private static final String LOGINFORM_URL = "/pub/xbank/";
    private static final String LOGIN_URL = "/pri/login/";
    private static final String LOGOUT_URL = "/pri/wbOnetoone/chiudi_servizio.jsp";
    private static final String HOMEPAGE_URL = "/pri/wbOnetoone/";
    private static final String ACCOUNTDETAILS_URL = "/pri/bnkg/";
    private static final String ACCOUNTMOVEMENTS_URL = "/pri/banking/";
    private static final String ACCOUNTMOVEMENTDETAILS_URL = "/pri/banking/";
    private static final String FULLACCESSLOGINFORM_URL = "/pri/login/";
    private static final String FULLACCESSLOGIN_URL = "/pri/login/";
    private static final String FULLACCESSPRIVATEHOME_URL = "/pri/login/";

    private SimpleEventHandler CONNECT_HANDLER;
    private SimpleEventHandler LOGINFORM_HANDLER;
    private SimpleEventHandler LOGIN_HANDLER;
    private SimpleEventHandler LOGOUT_HANDLER;
    private SimpleEventHandler HOMEPAGE_HANDLER;
    private SimpleEventHandler ACCOUNTDETAILS_HANDLER;
    private SimpleEventHandler ACCOUNTMOVEMENTS_HANDLER;
    private SimpleEventHandler FULLACCESSLOGINFORM_HANDLER;
    private SimpleEventHandler FULLACCESSLOGIN_HANDLER;

All urls should have the following prefix:

        String scheme = "https";
        String hostname = "";
        int port = 443;

And MIME types/encodings are as following:

        CONNECT_HANDLER = new SimpleEventHandler(handler, new ConnectionEstablished(), OK, "text/html; charset=UTF-8", new HTMLCleanerSerializer());
        LOGINFORM_HANDLER = new SimpleEventHandler(handler, new LoginFormLoaded(), OK, "text/html;charset=ISO-8859-15", new HTMLCleanerSerializer());
        LOGIN_HANDLER = new SimpleEventHandler(handler, new LoggedIn(), REDIRECT, "text/html;charset=ISO-8859-15", new HTMLCleanerSerializer());
        LOGOUT_HANDLER = new SimpleEventHandler(handler, new LoggedOut(), OK, "text/html;charset=ISO-8859-15", new HTMLCleanerSerializer());
        HOMEPAGE_HANDLER = new SimpleEventHandler(handler, new PrivateHomePageLoaded(), OK, "text/html;charset=ISO-8859-15", new PrivateHomePageLoadedSerializer());
        ACCOUNTDETAILS_HANDLER = new SimpleEventHandler(handler, new AccountDetails(), OK, "application/json;charset=UTF-8", new GSONSerializer());
        ACCOUNTMOVEMENTS_HANDLER = new SimpleEventHandler(handler, new AccountMovements(), OK, "application/json;charset=UTF-8", new GSONSerializer());
        ACCOUNTMOVEMENTDETAILS_HANDLER = new SimpleEventHandler(handler, new MovementDetail(), OK, "application/json;charset=UTF-8", new GSONSerializer());
        FULLACCESSLOGINFORM_HANDLER = new SimpleEventHandler(handler, new FullAccessLoginFormLoaded(), OK, "text/html;charset=ISO-8859-15", new FullAccessLoginFormLoadedSerializer());
        FULLACCESSLOGIN_HANDLER = new SimpleEventHandler(handler, new FullAccessLoggedIn(), OK, "text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1", new HTMLCleanerSerializer());
        FULLACCESSPRIVATEHOME_HANDLER = new SimpleEventHandler(handler, new FullAccessPrivateHomePageLoaded(), OK, "text/html;charset=ISO-8859-15", new HTMLCleanerSerializer());

It should be possible to link this library by extending:

and then by overriding onXxxx... methods.

An example application that I use for keeping track of my transactions is available at:

Hope this is enough. If you want, I can try to add bpmbanking support myself.

Is it enough to extend the following class?

Thanks in advance for considering this message.



fredrike commented 8 years ago

Hi @montoyaedu,

Yes you are right, just extending should do it. Take a look at some of the other bank-implementations to get an idea how it can be done. Unfortunately there exists no reference implementation so look through a few to see how it can be done and best practice.

Please submit a working pull-request when you have working support.

goober commented 7 years ago

@montoyaedu what is the status on this one? Are you still working on a solution or can I close the issue for now?