libAudioFlux / audioFlux

A library for audio and music analysis, feature extraction.
MIT License
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How to Use the C++ Version of AudioFlux for Real-time Audio Analysis? #36

Open Miuneyh opened 1 month ago

Miuneyh commented 1 month ago

Hi AudioFlux Team,

First, thank you for developing AudioFlux; it seems like a powerful tool for audio and music analysis. I have successfully used AudioFlux with Python, but I am currently working on a project that requires real-time audio analysis in C++. I am facing some difficulties and have a few questions:

C++ API Documentation: Is there any detailed documentation or examples available for the C++ version of AudioFlux? The existing resources seem to be focused primarily on the Python API.

Initialization and Configuration: Could you provide a step-by-step guide on how to initialize and configure AudioFlux in a C++ project? Specifically, I'm interested in understanding how to set up the spectrogram object and configure parameters such as sample rate, window type, and FFT size.

Real-time Audio Processing: How can I integrate AudioFlux with a real-time audio input library like PortAudio in C++? Any examples or guidelines on how to capture audio data, process it using AudioFlux, and visualize the results would be extremely helpful.

Common Issues and Debugging: Are there any common pitfalls or issues to be aware of when using AudioFlux with C++? Additionally, any tips on debugging issues related to audio data not being processed correctly (e.g., spectrogram data being all zeros) would be appreciated.

Future Support and Updates: What are the plans for future support and updates for the C++ version of AudioFlux? Are there any new features or improvements that we can look forward to?

Thank you for your assistance. Any help or pointers to relevant resources would be greatly appreciated!

Best regards,
