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C++ Chemical Kinetics, Thermodynaimics, and Transport Library
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Mandate C++14? #206

Open pbauman opened 8 years ago

pbauman commented 8 years ago

GCC 4.8.2 was C++11 feature complete, so any RHEL 7 based system will natively support C++11. GCC 5 was C++14 complete. My experience has been that the supercomputing centers will deploy a GCC installation if requested, so it shouldn't be a problem.

Intel is more dubious. C++11 Status and C++14 Status. Looks like Intel 14+ supports all of the C++11 features we'd want to use and the C++14 auto/decltype feature we'd want.

I think this could be a good move. It would make the code much more readable, I think.

SylvainPlessis commented 8 years ago

Because I like things that reference things that reference the this pointer (understand who can), I'll just add this message to say 'hell yeah', and link it to #211.

roystgnr commented 8 years ago

Talking to Paul, we're pretty set on requiring C++11, probably after putting out one last C++03 compatible release. C++14 is still debateable.

roystgnr commented 8 years ago

And as of #215 we now require C++11.

roystgnr commented 8 years ago

And as of #220 we always enable C++11.