libantioch / antioch

C++ Chemical Kinetics, Thermodynaimics, and Transport Library
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Adding a test to parse the gri30 xml, this catches the error that was fixed ... #245

Closed klbudzin closed 6 years ago

klbudzin commented 6 years ago

involving parsing Troe Reactions with species like CH2(s). It reads every reaction in the gri30.xml.

roystgnr commented 6 years ago

Great; thanks! Looks ready to merge unless there are any objections.

pbauman commented 6 years ago

Just to clarify, it looks like you're only checking the value of coefficients thermo?

klbudzin commented 6 years ago

As checking goes, yes that seems right, I wasn't sure what all I should be doing with it. But I mainly made it to make sure an error wasn't thrown during the reading of the the reactions of the xml file.