libasys / calendarplus

Calendar+ App for ownCloud 8.1 or later, lower version not supported
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Make today highlight color more visible #128

Open abyssox opened 9 years ago

abyssox commented 9 years ago

Please make the current today highlight color more visible. Like #FFC2D3 or similar: 2015_08_27-08_29_32

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deMattin commented 9 years ago

It's a problem of monitor. I also have a very view angle dependend monitor and there also the actual day color is mostly not viewable. I don't like such a very dark red (pink) color but maybe the border of actual day can get additional "full red without transparency" like the color of actual time marker in week view for monitors not displaying colors well: td.fc-today {border-color: red;}

I tried it, but the right and bottom border are set to "0" and so the border is incomplete. image

But it doesn't look very bad like this ... ;)

deMattin commented 9 years ago

It's not very simple with such a border. If using fc-state-highlite, which would solve it for all views, only another color does make sense. So "border" probably is not a good solution and it would be better, to find a color, that is also useable on "bad monitors". @jancborchardt?

deMattin commented 9 years ago

What's about using the border color of days in calendar also as actual day marker? .fc-state-highlight {background: #E7E7DE;}


I don't know, how it would work with weekends color, but as borders are seen there, the contrast seems to be sufficient.

libasys commented 9 years ago

i think this is a feeling somebody prefer this color somebody else another color! But every user can change the color for the highlighted day in the file css/3rdparty/fullcalendar.css

deMattin commented 9 years ago

@libasys: You would be right, if it would be only a matter of taste. But the highlighting of actual day isn't viewable at all on some monitors in most usecases/viewangles!

If someone doesn't like the color, user can simply change it - but default color should work also on "not so well" (viewangle dependend) monitors what actually isn't like that.

abyssox commented 9 years ago

@libasys i agree with you completly, it's a personal preference but as @deMattin mentioned on some monitors it really isn't viewable.

libasys commented 9 years ago

@calis2002 and @deMattin i have added the stylesheet definition for highlighting today column! play around and then say what is the best color for todays!

deMattin commented 9 years ago


jancborchardt commented 9 years ago

How about making the date (number of day) of the current day bold to support the highlight? That will look much better than a color highlight and work even in bad lighting conditions.