libasys / contactsplus

A Contacts App for version ownCloud 8.1 or later, lower version not supported
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Export URL for use with wget? #99

Open ThomasDaheim opened 9 years ago

ThomasDaheim commented 9 years ago


I'm trying to add my contacts+ info to my weekly backup schedule that is using wget to export the data (e.g. like with https://my.server/owncloud/index.php/apps/calendarplus/exporteventscalendar?calid=x for calendar+). But I didn't manage to figure out the correct URL to use.

What is the best way to do that with contacts+?

Thanks, Thomas

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deMattin commented 9 years ago

If you are the admin of the cloud, a complete and scheduled (daily and rotating) database backup of owncloud data is the best thing to do - and so it backups not only contacts! That has often saved me the butt in some scenarios. I use AutoMySQLBackup for that task.

ThomasDaheim commented 8 years ago

Doing that already for my whole database on my Synology. But this backs up the database with info from all apps and not only owncloud. So I was looking for an additional way to extract data which is not available as files from owncloud (files I'm already backing up in addition to the database).