Closed libavgIssueImporter closed 10 years ago
this comment is transfered from former bug tracking system
Fixed by using the win32 functions internally. svn rev. 2944
author: uzadow created: 2008/06/22 21:09:31 +0200 changed property 'Status' from 'New' to 'Closed' set property 'Resolution' to 'fixed'
this ticket is transfered from former bug tracking system
When an ELO touchscreen is used on a fullscreen application where cursor is disabled using Player.showCursor() method, touchscreen is not mapped correctly with coordinates of the application.
Using win32api.ShowCursor(False) instead of Player.showCursor() is a working solution
ELO 17" 1280x1024 Touching the 4 corners LOG_EVENTS2 reports:
LT: 4,521 RT: 1279,519 LB: 0,487 RB: 622,1023 Center: 1279,0
author: oxullo created: 2008/06/17 16:20:44 +0200 assigned to: None priority: Normal project: libavg