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Thread Pool Deadlock While Task Wait #1040

Open COM8 opened 2 months ago

COM8 commented 2 months ago


There are potential cases where a cpr::ThreadPool can get stuck in a potential deadlock. They are both caused by a race condition involving task_cond.

It can happen that a thread gets stuck waiting for task_cond to get notified but during this there is no one who can notify him like if the caller invokes cpr::ThreadPool::Wait().

Example/How to Reproduce

Run the currently disabled ThreadPoolTests from within over and over again. From time to time they will get stuck.

Possible Fix

No response

Where did you get it from?

GitHub (branch e.g. master)

Additional Context/Your Environment

Fedora 38,

baderouaich commented 2 months ago

The ThreadPool being stuck I encountered, It was never stopping, it seems like the issue has to do with the scope of the status_locks, if you notice the Stop() method:

int ThreadPool::Stop() {
    std::unique_lock status_lock(status_wait_mutex); // <- this will lock the entire scope of Stop(), after notifying, 
// the mutex is still held during the notification which will not give the threads a chance to acquire it and get the notification (in the thread loop)

    if (STOP == status) {
      return -1;
    status = STOP;

    for (auto& i : threads) {
        if (i.thread->joinable()) {

    cur_thread_num = 0;
    idle_thread_num = 0;

    return 0;

I think it should be:

int ThreadPool::Stop() {
         // lock only this scope to ensure that the mutex is not held during the notification process, allowing the waiting threads to acquire it immediately after being awakened
          std::unique_lock status_lock(status_wait_mutex);
          if (STOP == status) {
            return -1;
          status = STOP;


I tried that locally and it seems the thread pool is waiting and stopping normally so far, I will test with more use cases and get back to you if there is another issue.