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Source code of the recurrent donations platform Liberapay
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Direct upload of avatar image #1278

Open Changaco opened 5 years ago

Changaco commented 5 years ago

Reticketing from #1044:

Some users want to be able to upload an avatar directly from Liberapay, while others prefer having a single avatar that multiple websites can use and which can be updated in one fell swoop. To allow both we need more than what Libravatar provides.

The ideal service would:

  • be a shared content-addressed avatar storage service, so that multiple websites can allow their users to upload an avatar directly, without wasting disk space by each storing a copy
  • allow a user to associate an avatar to their email address without having to leave the website they're on, by sending a link to a confirmation page via email

Update: The ideal service wouldn't be limited to avatars, it would also support uploading other images, for example a profile header or background image.

Changaco commented 3 years ago

Announcing Cloudflare Images beta to simplify your image pipeline

ZelphirKaltstahl commented 3 years ago

I've seen multiple issues in this repository mentioning cloudflare lately. This worries me.

The more liberapay relies on cloudflare, the more likely, that it discriminates against VPN users and also the more likely, that it will no longer work, when one has a proper ad blocking solution in place. Personally I am not going to allow Cloudflare scripts to run when visiting liberapay. If liberapay stops working, because I block Cloudflare, then I am most likely going to stop using it to support people and going to stop recommending it to people over other services.

I like liberapay as it is, being able to use it without allowing third party scripts, except for when setting payments, for which I guess there is no libre alternative yet. It would be great not to depend on third party services for normal functionality.

Changaco commented 3 years ago

The more liberapay relies on cloudflare, the more likely, that it discriminates against VPN users and also the more likely, that it will no longer work, when one has a proper ad blocking solution in place.

Every claim in this sentence is incorrect, but I'm not going to explain why, because this issue isn't about Cloudflare.