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Source code of the recurrent donations platform Liberapay
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Suspicious users are not dissuaded from joining #399

Open Changaco opened 8 years ago

Changaco commented 8 years ago

We got an alert yesterday from our payment processor about possibly fraudulent payments by a suspicious user: If we do indeed have a fraudster on Liberapay, then we should try to do more to dissuade such people from joining. I think that entails two things:

  1. making sure the probability of getting away with fraud on Liberapay is so low that it's not worth trying
  2. making sure fraudsters realize that their chances are so small that it's not worth trying

The first point is what our 1 month money quarantine is for, but is it enough?

For the second point, the only public page on the site where we discuss fraud and our attempts to prevent it is, and we don't even mention MangoPay's anti-fraud surveillance in it. We should improve that, and try to warn users who are signing up to receive money about fraud in a way that would discourage fraudsters from joining but without scaring away normal people.

If you have other ideas on preventing fraud, please share them here.

Changaco commented 8 years ago

I asked MangoPay about this, they sent me a presentation of 8 slides about fraud prevention. I'll share it here if they give me permission.

Changaco commented 8 years ago

I'm not allowed to publicly share MangoPay's anti-fraud presentation.

Changaco commented 5 years ago

Preventing Disputes and Fraud | Stripe