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Videos #53

Open fred-atherden opened 5 years ago

fred-atherden commented 5 years ago

eLife allows authors to include videos as primary assets in their articles.

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But what if . . . ?


XML requirements

Captured as media. The reference to the accompanying file is the value of media/@xlink:href. media/@mimetype="video" is present, as is an appropriate value of @mime-subtype.

<media id="video1" mime-subtype="mp4" mimetype="video" xlink:href="elife-45345-video1.mp4">
    <label>Video 1.</label>
        <title>Location of the amino acid differences between phage L and P22, relative to the Dec binding interface.</title>
        <p>A single segmented Dec density is shown in lavender, and coat protein subunits that comprise the binding interface are shown as grey ribbons. The amino acid substitutions between phage L and P22 are shown as spheres color-coded to match the protein domains as shown in <xref ref-type="fig" rid="fig1s2">Figure 1—figure supplement 2</xref>: R101H (green), I154L (cyan), A276 and M267 (magenta).</p>

eLife allows videos in the following elements:

eLife allows videos to contain the following elements:

Taken from:

NickDuf commented 5 years ago