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Equations #55

Open fred-atherden opened 4 years ago

fred-atherden commented 4 years ago

Maths in articles can be captured within 'inline equations' that run on with the surrounding text in a paragraph and 'display equations', which are shown on a new line and can be labelled (e.g. (1), (2), etc).

User Stories


  1. As an author, I want to be able to edit an equation in the manuscript so that I can correct/update the information.
  2. As an author, I want to be able to delete an equation in the manuscript process, so that I can remove any erroneous equations.
  3. As an author, I want to be able to add an equation in the manuscript so that I can ensure the content is correct.
  4. As an author, I want to be able to set the display style for an equation, so that I can ensure that the content is presented correctly.
  5. As an author, I want to be able to label a display equation so that I can refer to it with a citation in the text.
  6. As an author, I want to be able to remove a label from a display equation so that I can correct any errors in labelling.

Production staff



  1. As production staff, I want to be able to upload an image as an alternative to an equation so that this will be available for publication.
  2. As production staff, I want to be able to replace the alternative image for an equation so that I can correct errors.

But what if . . . ?


XML requirements

Equations can be captured as disp-formula or inline-formula. Both inline-formula and disp-formulashould be treated as inline content (i.e. not block content), and therefore should always be a child of content container elements, such as p, title, td or th.

Display formulae are semantically inline formulae which have been pulled out for extended display (and possibly labelled), therefore it does not make any sense to treat them as block content (i.e. to be captured as a child of sec or similar).

For example, for this content, the display formula is placed in the middle of a paragraph. Some renderers output indents for new paragraphs, so this is why it is necessary to capture display formulae inside content containers (so that those renderers do not erroneously output indents).

<p>... (probability of remembering the target), with some variation in precision: 
    <disp-formula id="equ1">
        <tex-math>p(\hat{\theta})=(1-\gamma) \phi_{k}(\hat{\theta}-\theta)+\gamma \frac{1}{2 \pi}</tex-math>
where, <inline-formula><tex-math>\hat{\theta}</tex-math></inline-formula> represents the reported feature value (in radians) ... </p>

As shown above, the element tex-math (rather than mml:math) should be used for formulae.

The element alternatives should be used in the event that there are two renditions of the same equation (say image as well as tex):

    <disp-formula id="e10">
            <tex-math id="tx1">
                \documentclass {article}
                \oddsidemargin -1.0in
                \[E_it=α_i+Z_it γ+W_it δ+C_it θ+∑_i^n EFind_i+∑_t^n EFtemp_t+ ε_it\]
            <graphic xlink:href="0103-507X-rbti-26-02-0089-ee10.svg"/>

We also need to account for cases where the equation content is only represented with an image. For inline-formula these could be treated simply as inline-graphic (if necessary), however for disp-formula these need to be captured as a formula since these can have labels:

    <disp-formula id="e10">
            <graphic xlink:href="0103-507X-rbti-26-02-0089-ee10.svg"/>

The following elements should be allowed as children of inline-formula:

The following elements should be allowed as children of disp-formula:

eLife allows disp-formula in the following elements:

eLife allows inline-formula as a child of following elements:

Note that both disp-formula and inline-formula should be allowed as a descendant of lists (i.e. in a list-item/p element).

Taken from:

NickDuf commented 4 years ago
fred-atherden commented 4 years ago

@NickDuf, as discussed earlier, we presumably also need an interface with which authors can add/edit certain parts of an equation - it would be unreasonable to expect them to know LaTeX (which is what Texture currently assumes).

@joelsummerfield, also noting that mathpix is an interesting tool which we could make use of - but it's not (completely) open source - there might be some open source equivalents out there.