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Table footnotes #62

Open fred-atherden opened 5 years ago

fred-atherden commented 5 years ago

Footnotes appended to table content.

User Stories


  1. As an author, I want to see any footnotes associated with a table so that I can check they are correct.
  2. As an author, I want to be able to add a new footnote to a table so that I can append additional information to the content.
  3. As an author, I want to be able to cite a footnote within a table cell so that I can point readers to this information.
  4. As an author, I want to be able to delete a footnote citation from a table cell so that I can correct errors.
  5. As an author, I want to be able to delete a footnote from a table so that I can correct errors.

Production staff

But what if . . . ?


XML requirements

Any footnotes to tables should be captured in a table-wrap-foot element. They should be contained in an fn-group element.

Footnote indicators in the fn element should be captured in a label element. The indicators in the table itself should be linked (using xref) to the appropriate footnote.

<table-wrap id="table2" position="float">
    <label>Table 2.</label>
        <title>Statistics for the top 20 NMR structures of Dec.</title>
    <table frame="hsides" rules="groups">
              <td valign="top"><italic>RMSD from experimental restraints</italic><xref rid="t-fn-1" ref-type="fn"><sup>*</sup><xref></td>
              <td valign="top"/>
              <td valign="top"/>
              <td valign="top"><italic>RMSD from mean NMR structure</italic></td>
              <td valign="top"><italic>Backbone</italic><xref rid="t-fn-2" ref-type="fn"><sup>†</sup></xref></td>
              <td valign="top"><italic>All Heavy Atoms</italic></td>
              <td valign="top"><italic>Procheck Ramachandran Plot Statistics</italic><xref rid="t-fn-3" ref-type="fn"><sup>§</sup></xref></td>
              <td valign="top"/>
              <td valign="top"/>
            <fn id="table1-fn1"><label><sup>*</sup></label><p>Structures had no NOE violations &gt; 0.5 Å nor dihedral violations &gt; 5 degrees.</p></fn>
            <fn id="table1-fn2"><label><sup>†</sup></label><p>Atoms: Cα, N, C, O.</p></fn>
            <fn id="table1-fn3"><label><sup>§</sup></label><p>Calculated with the PSVS server (<ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href=""></ext-link>) using only the folded parts of Dec (residues 12–89).</p></fn>

There may be cases where an unlinked footnote is needed in a table, for example, if the body of the table is captured as an image or for an overall footnote for the table:

<table-wrap id="table2" position="float">
    <table frame="hsides" rules="groups">
            <p>Note: Behavior assessments used the same animals of the 5 week groups (IF and ELISA).
                Abbreviations: AAV, adeno-associated virus, serotype 2; ELISA, enzyme-linked
                immunosorbent assay; GFP, green fluorescent protein; IF, immunofluorescence; NT-3,

Example published

Érudit example

Érudit capture tables as images, therefore all their footnotes are unlinked:

<table-wrap id="ta2" position="float">
    <label>TABLEAU 2</label>
        <title>Résultats des régressions Tobit</title>
    <graphic xlink:href="table2_figure_1.png">...</graphic>
               <p>Pharmacie, CLSC et organismes communautaires collectant les seringues à moins de 100 mètres (variable muette).</p>
               <p>Poste de quartier à moins de 100 mètres (variable muette).</p>
               <p>Autoroute, nationale, collectrice ou artère.</p>

Published HTML

Taken from:

NickDuf commented 5 years ago

This feature has bugs when editing more than one footnote