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Display quotes #85

Open fred-atherden opened 5 years ago

fred-atherden commented 5 years ago

Text intended to be pulled out as a quote.

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XML requirements

Display quotes are captured in the element disp-quote.

    <p>Biological concepts – no matter how loosely defined – are always embedded in broader theoretical perspectives on how nature works.</p>

PKP example:

    <disp-quote id="dispquote8">
        <p>Display Quote <italic>Italic text</italic></p>

Erudit examples:

<disp-quote content-type="example">
          <p>…les standards sont encore une fois si bas, on se contente d’un français médiocre, entrecoupé par des expressions et même des phrases en anglais, ce qui prouve le manque d’aisance en français…</p>
<disp-quote content-type="epigraph">
    <p>Un jour, tout sera bien, voilà notre espérance :</p>
    <p>Tout est bien aujourd’hui, voilà l’illusion.</p>
    <attrib>Voltaire, <italic>Le désastre de Lisbonne</italic></attrib>

In eLife content disp-quote can be captured as a child of:

eLife allows the following child elements:

A @content-type attribute should be allowed for extra semantic capture. Examples include following values (which are essential for Érudit):

This should be set up in the configuration.

Érudit allows the following children of disp-quote (including all variations):

Taken from:

NickDuf commented 5 years ago