liberodark / ODrive

Google Drive GUI for Windows / Mac / Linux
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Fedora Crash / Icon Tray no visible #67

Closed h-g-s closed 5 years ago

h-g-s commented 5 years ago

Hi, I'm built the version from git master and started the first synchronization in Fedora 29. After some time with messages "Files list done!" I got the following error: .. Files list done! syncing false Updated syncing status Updating tray icon, connected: true syncing: false { Error: Internal Error at Request._callback (/home/haroldo/src/ODrive/node_modules/google-auth-library/lib/transporters.js:85:15) at Request.self.callback (/home/haroldo/src/ODrive/node_modules/request/request.js:185:22) at emitTwo (events.js:126:13) at Request.emit (events.js:214:7) at Request. (/home/haroldo/src/ODrive/node_modules/request/request.js:1161:10) at emitOne (events.js:116:13) at Request.emit (events.js:211:7) at IncomingMessage. (/home/haroldo/src/ODrive/node_modules/request/request.js:1083:12) at Object.onceWrapper (events.js:313:30) at emitNone (events.js:111:20) code: 500, errors: [ { domain: 'global', reason: 'internalError', message: 'Internal Error' } ] }

liberodark commented 5 years ago

ok try the 0.2.1 version.

liberodark commented 5 years ago

now have push official release sudo snap install --edge odrive

h-g-s commented 5 years ago

Thanks for answering, I installed with snap install --edge odriv and executed now with snap run odrive, but after some time the following error was reported: Watching remote changes... remote change true true Updated syncing status Updating tray icon, connected: true syncing: true Error when watching changes... remote change false false Updated syncing status Updating tray icon, connected: true syncing: false Unhandled rejection Error processing argument at index 0, conversion failure from /snap/odrive/5/opt/OpenDrive/resources/app.asar/public/images/logo.png TypeError: Error processing argument at index 0, conversion failure from /snap/odrive/5/opt/OpenDrive/resources/app.asar/public/images/logo.png at updateTrayIcon (/snap/odrive/5/opt/OpenDrive/resources/app.asar/main.js:127:12) at Globals.gbs.on (/snap/odrive/5/opt/OpenDrive/resources/app.asar/main.js:120:5) at Globals.emit (events.js:182:13) at Globals.updateSyncing (/snap/odrive/5/opt/OpenDrive/resources/app.asar/config/globals.js:35:10) at Sync.syncObject.on.syncing (/snap/odrive/5/opt/OpenDrive/resources/app.asar/app/core/account.js:144:49) at Sync.emit (events.js:182:13) at Sync.set handlingRemoteChange [as handlingRemoteChange] (/snap/odrive/5/opt/OpenDrive/resources/app.asar/app/core/sync.js:67:10) at Sync.watchChanges (/snap/odrive/5/opt/OpenDrive/resources/app.asar/app/core/sync.js:234:33) at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:68:7)

liberodark commented 5 years ago

yeah snap is hard with strict mode use have make update better do not use snap ! If you have discord ? have possibility to see the bug. For me is important to try to fix this bug. Try AppImage now and if you have bugs add me on discord '#0928 liberodark'

h-g-s commented 5 years ago

Runing without snap (installed in /opt/ODrive), in another machine with Fedora 29 I got the following assertion Failure: { AssertionError [ERR_ASSERTION]: rimraf: path should be a string at Object.rimraf (/opt/ODrive/resources/app.asar/node_modules/fs-extra/lib/remove/rimraf.js:36:10) at Promise (/opt/ODrive/resources/app.asar/node_modules/universalify/index.js:13:12) at new Promise () at Object.rimraf [as remove] (/opt/ODrive/resources/app.asar/node_modules/universalify/index.js:7:14) at Promise.catch (/opt/ODrive/resources/app.asar/app/core/sync.js:965:18) at at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:188:7) generatedMessage: false, name: 'AssertionError [ERR_ASSERTION]', code: 'ERR_ASSERTION', actual: 'object', expected: 'string', operator: '===' }

liberodark commented 5 years ago

Is strange on try to look on Fedora 29

liberodark commented 5 years ago

Ok have test working great on fedora :

But not see tray icon on the bar :( but is runing background

h-g-s commented 5 years ago

Is there any other information that I can give you to indicate why it my synchronization is crashing ?

liberodark commented 5 years ago

im try to fix icon now

liberodark commented 5 years ago

you have try appimage ?

liberodark commented 5 years ago

for fedora have found : missing have fix that in install :

h-g-s commented 5 years ago

I have installed on my system.

liberodark commented 5 years ago

Have try again on fedora with the beta version is same is work Is started on source not appimage.

liberodark commented 5 years ago

Please make test from source !

h-g-s commented 5 years ago

npm test seem that is passing: haroldo ~/src/ODrive $ npm test

odrive@0.2.2 test /home/haroldo/src/ODrive npm run lint

odrive@0.2.2 lint /home/haroldo/src/ODrive eslint app main.js

h-g-s commented 5 years ago

Running now from the source diretory (npm start), with the last version, I got:

'change', 'change', 'change' ] Emitting last event for /home/haroldo/Google Drive/Google Fotos/20180407_143351.jpg ignoring events for path /home/haroldo/Google Drive/Google Fotos/20180407_143349.jpg { Error: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND at errnoException (dns.js:50:10) at GetAddrInfoReqWrap.onlookup [as oncomplete] (dns.js:92:26) code: 'ENOTFOUND', errno: 'ENOTFOUND', syscall: 'getaddrinfo', hostname: '', host: '', port: 443 } syncing false Updated syncing status Updating tray icon, connected: true syncing: false { AssertionError [ERR_ASSERTION]: rimraf: path should be a string at Object.rimraf (/home/haroldo/src/ODrive/node_modules/fs-extra/lib/remove/rimraf.js:36:10) at Promise (/home/haroldo/src/ODrive/node_modules/universalify/index.js:13:12) at new Promise () at Object.rimraf [as remove] (/home/haroldo/src/ODrive/node_modules/universalify/index.js:7:14) at Promise.catch (/home/haroldo/src/ODrive/app/core/sync.js:965:18) at at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:188:7) generatedMessage: false, name: 'AssertionError [ERR_ASSERTION]', code: 'ERR_ASSERTION', actual: 'object', expected: 'string', operator: '===' }

liberodark commented 5 years ago

ok thank you for this test

liberodark commented 5 years ago

Have try in wayland or xorg is same no icon have just this bug

liberodark commented 5 years ago

Have find solution by Leeo : Need to install sudo yum install libappindicator-gtk3