liberu-accounting / accounting-laravel

Accounting application written in Laravel 11 / PHP 8.3 using Filament 3
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Sweep: write unit tests using phpunit #81

Open curtisdelicata opened 3 weeks ago

sweep-ai[bot] commented 3 weeks ago



Thank you for submitting this issue. However, to enable Sweep to write effective unit tests, we need more specific information. Please update the issue with the following details:

  1. Specify the exact files, classes, or functions in the codebase that require unit tests.
  2. Describe the specific functionality that needs to be tested, including expected behavior and any edge cases to consider.
  3. Mention any dependencies or setup required to run the tests.

Once you provide this additional context, Sweep will be better equipped to write comprehensive unit tests for the desired parts of the codebase. Please let us know if you have any further questions!

Report a bug.

[!TIP] To recreate the pull request, edit the issue title or description.

This is an automated message generated by Sweep AI.