Hello, I have some problem. While camera is moving, the lights are blinking. The problem can be solved by increasing FBO size, but this way reduces FPS so much. You can see problem in this video: https://2ch.hk/gd/src/1406381150994.webm
How can i fix it?
You can make lights that don't change or change rarely as static
Try to use fixed step for physics update - you can find such example in box2dlights demo application (see the box2dlights\test\tests\Box2dLightTest.java - #fixedStep(float delta) and #render() methods)
Hello, I have some problem. While camera is moving, the lights are blinking. The problem can be solved by increasing FBO size, but this way reduces FPS so much. You can see problem in this video: https://2ch.hk/gd/src/1406381150994.webm How can i fix it?