libgdx / gdx-pay

A libGDX cross-platform API for InApp purchasing.
Apache License 2.0
224 stars 83 forks source link

How to use the code? #162

Closed karansnarula closed 6 years ago

karansnarula commented 6 years ago

Hi can you please take a look at this link and can you please solve my issue. Thank you :)

keesvandieren commented 6 years ago


  1. Learn how Apple In-App Purchases work:
  2. Learn about sandbox testing of In-App Purchases.
  3. Clone the project, take a look at gdx-pay-tests-robovm (Robovm) or gdx-pay-tests-iosmoe (Multi-OS Engine) and run it on a device.

This is basic knowledge you need to get this library to work. Once you have done that we can help you.

karansnarula commented 6 years ago

Hi, thank you for your helpful response, I am currently trying to make my app work on android before going to iOS. I have successfully integrated in-app purchase in my app using as an example. The issue I am having are the CONSUMABLE products in my game, whenever I buy a product and buy it again my app crashes. I tried reinstalling the game several times and tried buying the product but the game crashes even before the payment bill shows up. Is there something I am doing wrong? Should I show my code?

keesvandieren commented 6 years ago

Actually consumables was contributed by someone else (@junkdog). Does he have this problem to?

What error do you see in logcat?

karansnarula commented 6 years ago

I have actually (magically I guess) fixed the issue, maybe it was because I didn't call the 'request purchase restore' method so I made a button that will explicitly call the 'request purchase restore' method and for some reason I am able to buy the consumable items multiple times but I do need click the restore button to actually get those items . Later I decided to add ENTITILEMENT item and I could successfully purchase the item but if I click it again after purchasing the app crashes. I will show my Logcat in my next comment.

karansnarula commented 6 years ago

Here is my logcat when I click on an already purchased ENTITLEMENT product. Is there any way to fix this?

FATAL EXCEPTION: Thread-17143 Process:, PID: 20766 com.badlogic.gdx.utils.GdxRuntimeException: startPurchaseRequest failed at getBuyIntent() for product: product_4 at$1.handlePurchaseError( at$2.purchaseError( at at$200( at$ at$ at Caused by: startPurchaseRequest failed at getBuyIntent() for product: product_4 at  at$200(  at$  at$  at  Caused by: Unexpected getBuyIntent() responseCode: ResponseCode{code=3, message='Billing API version is not supported for the type requested'} with response data: Bundle[{RESPONSE_CODE=3}] at at at at$200(  at$  at$  at 

keesvandieren commented 6 years ago

This is intended behavior.

Javadoc of

An entitlement can only be purchased once (e.g. one time upgrade). Basically a non-consumable.

Existing transactions (including entitlement) are passed to the app on startup via If a product is in the list of Transactions of restore, let the user not buy it again for entitlements.

Glyfad commented 6 years ago

I used gdx-pay for ios and it works properly. My application has been published in the market and provides purchasing as well as restoring functionality (for non-consumable product).

But in 'App Store Promotions' page I got a message 'These in-app purchases can’t be promoted on the App Store because your latest app binary doesn’t include the SKPaymentTransactionObserver method.

When I asked support engineers they responses that 'it doesn't look like your app has implemented the paymentQueue:shouldAddStorePayment:forProduct method.'

I would appreciate any advise if Is it possible do something to improve the situation?

keesvandieren commented 6 years ago

@Glyfad so far I have not tried to promote in-app purchases, it is on our TODO-list.

The ios implementation does implement SKPaymentTransactionObserver, see:

I don't know if there are any special requirements, can you let your engineer look at that code?

Also found this:

Is that useful for you?

Glyfad commented 6 years ago

I have already attached as a file (and ) in my request. Do not understand why they need exactly that 'magic' method.

Will try to give them your second reference as well.

Thanks a lot.

Glyfad commented 6 years ago

Finally I got an answer as follow:

We can confirm the developer will need to implement “paymentQueue:shouldAddStorePayment:forProduct:” in order for the IAP product to be promoted:

keesvandieren commented 6 years ago

@Glyfad , so to support this, the only thing to do is add this (to existing AppleTransactionObserver class):

private class AppleTransactionObserver extends SKPaymentTransactionObserverAdapter {

    @Override // new method added
    public boolean shouldAddStorePayment(SKPaymentQueue queue, SKPayment payment, SKProduct product) {
        return true;

If that is only thing to be done to make this work correctly, I can add it. Can you create a new ticket for this? I will commit it on the new ticket.

Glyfad commented 6 years ago

I have created a new issue. Thanks a lot.