libgdx / gdx-video

A libGDX cross platform video rendering extension
Apache License 2.0
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Cant download gdx-video-desktop-natives.jar #2

Closed marekhalmo closed 3 years ago

marekhalmo commented 9 years ago

Hello, i tried the maven build but i can't download the gdx-video-desktop-natives.jar I can't find it in any of my repos including the one mentioned in

Could you help?

RBogie commented 9 years ago

Currently the libgdx build server is not fully configured for ffmpeg yet. Unfortunately, the natives are not available until this is done.

At the moment you'll have to manually build the natives to use gdx-video.

I'll leave this issue open until the build server is working.

marekhalmo commented 9 years ago

Hello thanx for your fast answer! I tried but i don't know how to launch the compile "com.badlogicgames.gdxvideo:gdx-video-platform:0.0.1:natives-desktop" command

I tried using groovy but there is no such command as compile.

Could you explain how to run the build or for the sake of simplicity send me the compiled jar? Thanx alot anyway!

marekhalmo commented 9 years ago

I tried to compile \gdx-video\gdx-video-desktop\jni\build.xml with ant but the error states: .....\gdx-video\gdx-video-desktop\jni\build.xml:20: .....\extensions\gdx-video\gdx-video-desktop\libs\linux32 does not exist.

are you sure you committed everything to git?

RBogie commented 9 years ago

I just checked, and it works perfectly here. I cd into the gdx-video-desktop/jni folder and run ant. It compiled for a while, and results in a jar with compiled libs.

Are you building on windows? If this is the case, you may have to change the compilers in the ant files. They are targeted meant for building from linux.

Anyway, for your convenience, you can find the compiled libs here (built locally on my linux install):

marekhalmo commented 9 years ago

Yes im running win7.

Thanx for the download link - saved me a lot of time!

Mur4ik commented 9 years ago

Hi. I have the same issue with build natives as marekhalmo. Could you please share builded libs while this extension is pending state?


RBogie commented 9 years ago

Sorry, I didn't know the wetransfer link would go down so soon.

Anyway, you can find it here (Hopefully more permanent this time...)

snovak commented 8 years ago

Any tips for building on OSX?

RBogie commented 8 years ago

I'll update the natives file with macos later today. I've recently got access to a mac. I haven't figured out how to compile ffmpeg for older macosx, so it requires the latest osx currently.

If you want to compile it yourself, have a look at I've been discussing with intrigus how to fix the mac build as well. It's a WIP.

RBogie commented 8 years ago

The native libraries are updated with the osx libs included. I wasn't able to test them though (I didn't have access to a gdx-video project on that machine, and didn't have time to set one up). I hope it works!

snovak commented 8 years ago

The native libraries... Is that what should download with a properly configured file? Or one of the formerly posted download links?

RBogie commented 8 years ago

It's the formerly mentioned URL. The build server is unfortunately still a work in progress. As it turns out, ffmpeg is quite complicated to build, and the buildserver is having issues with this. Using Travis is also still a WIP because of the osx support.

JuKu commented 7 years ago

Is there an fix planned?

RBogie commented 7 years ago

It's been a long time because of time shortage off all people involved. Eventually it will arrive, but not short term. It involves a complicated setup and multiple people.

SimonIT commented 3 years ago

Since 8cf9ab7995342ffc5fc3153129e53f2ff45afbda natives are included in the gdx-video-desktop artifact

anigart commented 3 years ago

Can gdx-video-desktop.jar be downloaded somewhere (I have an old version but am wondering if there is something newer)? I am not using Gradle, in case it is included there. Would be great to have it also in the "extensions" folder in the nightlies.

MrStahlfelge commented 3 years ago

You can click on the snapshot badge and download the jar from sonatype manually

anigart commented 3 years ago

You can click on the snapshot badge and download the jar from sonatype manually

Sorry I am unable to locate such a badge on github. By looking around a bit I found this link:, however, it leads to "Directory listing forbidden". Does it require Maven?

MrStahlfelge commented 3 years ago