libgit2 / libgit2sharp

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Request support for the git_submodule_branch() API #1301

Open ming4883 opened 8 years ago

ming4883 commented 8 years ago

Please support the git_submodule_branch() API, so that the branch attributes inside ".gitmodules" can be retrieved.

Information about the API:


metri commented 8 years ago

Hi! Is there any motion on this issue?

ethomson commented 8 years ago

Not yet! We'd welcome a pull request if this is something that you're interested in! 😀

rgl commented 7 years ago

is Repository.Submodules bound to a specific branch (e.g. to the current checked out branch)? if so, how can I get the submodules of other branches? do we need to have git_submodule_branch supported? how would that work?

currently, I'm traversing the tree looking for GitLink objects and resorting to manual parsing the .gitmodules files. I think this is something that should be provided out-of-the-box by libgit2sharp. if you point me to the right direction, I'm willing to contribute a PR.

ming4883 commented 7 years ago

Since .gitmodules is using the standard git config file format, I parse this file using the built-in Configuration.BuildFrom().

    // using GitLib = LibGit2Sharp;
    var _cfg = GitLib.Configuration.BuildFrom(_pathToGitModules);
    foreach (var _c in _cfg)
        if (_c.Level != GitLib.ConfigurationLevel.Local) // ignore any global and system config
        string[] _keys = _c.Key.Split(new char[] { '.' });
        if (string.Compare(_keys[0], "submodule") != 0 || _keys.Length < 3)
        // where _keys[1] is the submodule name
        // _keys[2] is the key to the submodule value
        // _c.Value is the value
        Dictionary<string, string> _submod = GetSubModuleByName(_keys[1]);
        _submod[_keys[2]] = _c.Value;

Hope this helps.