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repo.Commits.QueryBy(<path>) doesn't return entire history of changing commits #1401

Open JacobPitts opened 7 years ago

JacobPitts commented 7 years ago

I was playing around with using CommitLog.QueryBy() to obtain the history of a specific file, and I am not clear if I'm using the feature correctly, but not getting the output I would expect.

Specifically, in a sample repo with 5 commits where each commit changes the same file, .QueryBy() appears to omit the commit that is merging and changing the file.

Is it possible this is by design, and the merge change in Iteration 4 is being purposefully omitted, or might this be a bug?

Here's the output of my sample program:

History of sample.txt has 4 entries:
 - 742d4c5d1fa8c8b4f3fd6894580cb33e7a3ab4e0: Iteration 5
 - 0cbfdb9a0f98ef3e62ba9e8f2d5dd6ef9bd755f6: Iteration 2
 - 59947c86d20f45b6f19dfd52dcbc4c4b23fc4d16: Iteration 3
 - 020323b5bc36f931442343df6aa0557e8d20581f: Iteration 1
Commit history has 5 entries:
 - 742d4c5d1fa8c8b4f3fd6894580cb33e7a3ab4e0: Iteration 5
 - d096877e0d40c0a002e73c308a50d94d6ffbcb67: Iteration 4
 - 0cbfdb9a0f98ef3e62ba9e8f2d5dd6ef9bd755f6: Iteration 2
 - 59947c86d20f45b6f19dfd52dcbc4c4b23fc4d16: Iteration 3
 - 020323b5bc36f931442343df6aa0557e8d20581f: Iteration 1

Here's the code that i'm running against a sample repo (see below):

using LibGit2Sharp;
using System;
using System.Linq;

namespace ConsoleApplication2
    class Program
        // This program is compiled against:
        // - LibGit2Sharp v0.23.0
        // - Native binaries v1.0.129
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var repo = new Repository(Repository.Discover(Environment.CurrentDirectory));

            var filePath = "sample.txt";

            // Look at the history of sample.txt
            var fileHist = repo.Commits.QueryBy(filePath).Select(x => x.Commit).ToList();
            Console.WriteLine("History of {0} has {1} entries:", filePath, fileHist.Count);
            foreach (var commit in fileHist)
                Console.WriteLine(" - {0}: {1}", commit.Sha, commit.MessageShort);

            // Look at the entire history
            var fullHist = repo.Commits.ToList();
            Console.WriteLine("Commit history has {1} entries:", filePath, fullHist.Count);
            foreach (var commit in fullHist)
                Console.WriteLine(" - {0}: {1}", commit.Sha, commit.MessageShort);

Here's the script to create a sample git repo that has a diamond pattern of commits around a file:

@REM create a git repo with a single file
git init
echo 1 > sample.txt
git add sample.txt
git commit -m "Iteration 1"

@REM create a branch and make a change
git checkout -b "branch"
echo 2 >> sample.txt
git commit -a -m "Iteration 2"

@REM make a change on the master
git checkout master
echo 3 >> sample.txt
git commit -a -m "Iteration 3"

@REM merge branch into master and overwrite conflict
git merge branch
echo 1 > sample.txt
echo 2 >> sample.txt
echo 3 >> sample.txt
echo 4 >> sample.txt
git commit -a -m "Iteration 4"

@REM one last change for good measure
echo 5 >> sample.txt
git commit -a -m "Iteration 5"
JacobPitts commented 7 years ago

Of interest, git log --follow sample.txt also omits commit iteration 4, while git log sample.txt shows all 5 commits.

mirsaeedi commented 6 years ago

Did you find any resolution to this problem?

fonin commented 6 years ago

Also interested in resolving of this issue. I use the library to dynamically update the file changes history; I noticed that merges are not included in history.