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There is no way to make Diff Patch contain any binary deltas #1966

Open jburggraaf opened 2 years ago

jburggraaf commented 2 years ago

Reproduction steps

use Diff.Compare to create a patch that contains BinaryComparisons save this patch to a file patch.file call git apply with the created patch.file

Expected behavior

there should be a user settable CompareOption that gives access to the GIT_DIFF_SHOW_BINARY flag in Core.GitDiff.GitDiffOptionFlags so that a patch can be created with binary deltas so that binaries are created/updated in the repo after calling git apply patch.file

Actual behavior

there is no option to set this flag so binaries are not created and or not updated by the patch file

Version of LibGit2Sharp (release number or SHA1)


Operating system(s) tested; .NET runtime tested

windows 10 macOS ubuntu 20.04